Anita James, Ph.D.

Anita James, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Emerita
email address

Specialization: Communication Processes in Organizing; Training and Development; Survey Development

Education: Ph.D., University of Southern California; M.A., University of Connecticut; B.A., California State University-Fresno.

Professional Experience: Program Coordinator, University Professional Development, Vice President for Administration, Ohio University; Director of Forensics, Ohio University; Andreini Professor, Santa Rosa Junior College, California; instructor, USC; instructor, Fresno State; presenter, program developer, scholarly paper respondent, and officer for state, regional, and national communication and management associations; former Editorial Board member for Journal of Applied Communication Research, reviewer for Management Communication QuarterlyCommunication Studies, and Allyn & Bacon publishers; referee for Academy of Human Resource Development, Organization Communication divisions of NCA, ICA, and CSCA. Consultant to education, industry, and the public sector.

Publications: Co-author of chapter in M. Kramer, L. Gossett, & L. Lewis (Eds.), Communication and volunteering; Co-author of chapter in Davenport-Sypher’s Case Studies in Organizational Communication; articles in Human Resource Development QuarterlyJournal of Health CommunicationManagement Communication QuarterlySpeaker and Gavel; numerous scholarly and professional papers.

Honors: Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Shropshire Scholar (Civitan International Research Center).
Positions Held: A variety of roles in state, regional, and national professional associations.

Research Interests: Communication processes in organizations, impact of training on performance, and survey design and development.

Teaching Specialization: Organizational communication, training and development, and field research methods.

AJames Long CV Fall 2013 (PDF)