Kate Nimako, M.S.

Research Focus: Health Communication
Kate Nimako (M.S., Ohio University) obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Ghana, where she pursued a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Science. For her undergraduate project, she researched “The Knowledge, risk perception, and screening behavior of prostate cancer among men 35 years and above in Madina”. She is hoping to complete a master’s in public health at Ohio University this Spring. While pursuing her master’s at Ohio University, she worked as a Data Management Specialist with the World Health Organization (WHO), Global Knowledge Laboratory (GLL), Geneva. In this role, she enhanced effective collaboration with members on the GLL portal to accelerate knowledge uptake. Also, Kate worked as a program planner with the United Seniors of Athens County, Ohio. In this role, she designed and implemented evidence-based programs for the senior center to improve the health of seniors. Kate has a research interest in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. She aims at developing health interventions employing innovative communication strategies to prevent chronic diseases. Kate loves to sing, write, and spend time with her friends.
Pronouns: She/her