Rita M. Ng, Ph.D.

Rita M. Ng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor – Zanesville
Elson Hall 111
email address ng@ohio.edu
phone number 740-588-1518

Dr. Rita M.C. Ng is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Ohio University (Zanesville Campus). She was born in Hong Kong, but has been living and working in the United States for 30 years. Dr. Ng received her B.S. in Business, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Speech Communication from Indiana University, Bloomington. Her research focus is on culture, communication, and Confucianism. Some of her publications include book chapters and commentary. They appear in Chinese Communication Studies, Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication, Intercultural Encounter, Journal of College and Character, and others. In addition, Dr. Ng reviews journal articles, and is an active participant in the National Communication Association Annual Convention as well as international conferences. She presents her research, has chaired panel sessions, and served as a respondent for various divisions of her discipline.

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