Sabiha Mahbuba, B.S.

Research Focus: Rhetoric & Culture
Sabiha Mahbuba received a Bachelor’s degree in Literatures in English and Cultural Studies from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. She likes to blend literature with critical theories, politics, international relations, and history to provide a better understanding of the community we live in, the collective memories we create being a part of it, and the politics of their documentation as those memories are weaved into the subsequent “history.” She has worked on “media racism” in her undergraduate research to explore how the political power manipulates the media in instilling insidious notions of racial superiority within a society to exploit the minority group. Sabiha is devoted in researching the use of rhetoric and language as “artifices” to substantiate political labeling and political manipulation. She also wants to engage in understanding the role of media both as a means of repression by the powerful elite and, conversely, a platform of resistance for the marginalized-subjugated group of people in challenging society's repressive organs.
Sabiha is an ailurophile. In her free time, she likes to cook different cuisines of the world. She also has a fondness for travelling, reading, and watching movies.
Pronouns: She/her