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McClure School News Archive

  • Scripps launches new podcasting certificate

    The new undergraduate Podcasting Certificate will provide students with media and journalism training in the popular and expanding communication medium.

  • Learning to Learn: Twitch Streams with Dr. Hans Kruse

    Former McClure School director Hans Kruse discusses his plans for a series of streams that explore his approach to learning new things in both the IT and gaming world.

  • AI for Social Good: What Next?

    On September 29th, 2020, the AI for Good Global Summit held a webinar for a keynote speaker to discuss the beneficial use of artificial intelligence (AI) and about principles which should govern new social norms and legislation about its use.

  • VR for Social Good: VHIL

    When does the brain treat virtual and augmented reality as if they were real? How do virtual experiences affect people? What psychological theories explain how we interact with virtual people? How can augmented reality systems maximize remote communication?

  • VR for Social Good: Project Nourished

    Using technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality, Project Nourished creates an experience designed to heighten sensations of food, beverage, and medicine, while also producing therapeutic effects by altering the motion, form, color, scent, taste, temperature and more.

  • VR for Social Good: Charity

    With the continued enhancement of virtual reality, or VR for short, charities and non-profit organizations are trying to use VR to help encourage charitable acts, whether from money or volunteering. Charities and non-profits already tell stories to try to inspire charitable giving, but with the use of VR, it takes storytelling to a different level.

  • Game Design from Home: How John Bowditch & his Students are making Online Learning Work

    From the J. Warren McClure School of Emerging Communication Technologies, Professor John Bowditch, director of the Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab, sorts through these challenges this semester with his Digital Game Design class, an introductory class to the Game Development track in the Games and Animation degree.

  • Doug Bowie talks about the ECT's performance upgrades

    The ECT school upgrades their network to increase efficiency and speed

  • Conducting Labs from the Comforts of Home: Professor Brandon Saunders safely brings hands-on education to OHIO students

    Brandon Saunders, professor at the McClure School and current instructor for this semester’s run of ITS 3110, decided that if students couldn’t come to his lab, he would bring the lab to his students.


  • The Nexus of Esports, Sports, Technology, Communities and Hope

    On September 3rd, 2020, the AI for Good Global Summit held a webinar and discussed how ITU and the Global Esports Federation can use esports and emerging technologies to scale AI for Good.