Program Details
Official Description of the MITS Program
The MITS degree is described in the Graduate Catalog published by Ohio University. The residential and the on-line versions have the same requirements, so they share the same description in the catalog. Here is the link to the section titled “Information and Telecommunication Systems – MITS (opens in a new window)“. (Note: the catalog has the former name of the McClure School, and will be updated in the future - the MITS degree stays the same.)
What Classes to Take, and In What Order
The MITS courses are grouped into three sections:
Introductory Classes
Every student (both residential and on-line) takes these classes:
- ITS 6000 – Research Methods
- ITS 6250 – Information Networks
The MITS degree requires that students take 5 elective classes. One of these classes can be a non-ITS class (called a “cognate” class). On-line students generally take 5 ITS classes, or request credit for a graduate class taken elsewhere. The ITS elective classes below are available on-line.
- ITS 5370 - Wireless Telecommunication
- ITS 5290 – Communication Network Analysis and Design
- ITS 5310 – Privacy in the Internet Age *
- ITS 5510 – Telecommunication Network Security
- ITS 6790 – Theory of Communication Networks
- ITS 6900 – Topical Seminars on current topics. Recent classes:
- Internet of Things
- Applied Networking (focus on cloud computing)
- Software Defined Networks
- Smart Cities
- Big Data Engineering
* These courses are offered in an asynchronous format, based on the BlackBoard learning platform and E-Mail.
Capstone Class and Culminating Experience
The final required class, taken by all students, is ITS 6440. This class is case-study based, and allows students to apply their course knowledge.
- ITS 6440 – Strategic Issues in Information and Telecommunication Systems
Every student (residential and on-line) must complete one of the culminating experiences listed below. All options are available to on-line students, although the professional project is the best suited working IT professionals.
- ITS 6935 – Advanced Readings and Comprehensive Exam
- Students sit for a day-long exam based on an extensive reading list. On-line students must travel to Athens to sit for the exam.
- ITS 6945 – Professional Project
- Students complete an applied IT project under the supervision of a faculty committee, and present the result of the project before the committee.
- ITS 6950 – Thesis
- Students complete a research project under the guidance of a faculty committee, and defend the results of the research before the committee.