Scholarly Articles on Student Activism
- University Libraries full text articles (opens in a new window)
- Performing This is For You, Anna as #MeToo: Sexual Harassment and Performance-Based Activism on a University Campus (opens in a new window)
- College campus activism: Distinguishing between liberal reformers and conservative crusaders (opens in a new window)
- Fighting for “Justice,” Engaging the Other: Shi’a Muslim Activism on the British University Campus (opens in a new window)
- Campus-Based Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy and Title IX: Revisiting Tensions Between Grassroots Activism and the Criminal Justice System (opens in a new window)
- Campus Activism in the Digital Age: An Ecological Chronology of #Concernedstudent1950 (opens in a new window)
- Stepping Up and Out: Strategies for Promoting Feminist Activism within Community Service-Learning (opens in a new window)
- "What Is Y'all Doing?" An Exploration of Allyship (pages 22–24) (opens in a new window)
- Decisions to Make a Difference: The Role of Efficacy in Moderate Student Activism (opens in a new window)
- Black lives on campuses matter: the rise of the new black student movement (opens in a new window)
- Predictors of Feminist Activism among Social Work Students in the United States (opens in a new window)
- Building Bridges: Rethinking Student Activist Leadership (opens in a new window)
- OCCUPYING HIGHER EDUCATION The Revival of the Student Movement (opens in a new window)
- Campus Activism in the 21st Century: A Historical Framing (opens in a new window)
Engaging boys in gender activism: issues of discomfort and emotion (opens in a new window)
A Review of Scholarship on College Student Activism from 2000 to 2020 (opens in a new window)
Performing Anti-racism: Universities Respond to Anti-Black Violence (opens in a new window)
Campus Activism in the 21st Century: A Historical Framing (opens in a new window)
Promising Practices to Facilitate Politically Robust Campus Climates (opens in a new window)