Empower each other to question and elevate the way we approach creating a shared sense of belonging.
OHIO Engagement Summit: Empower, Embrace, Empathize

The Inclusive Excellence subcommittee is proud to promote the theme of “Empower, Embrace, Empathize” for the half-day professional development conference. On this day, we pause our normal work schedules to empower each other to question and elevate the way we approach creating a shared sense of belonging. We take this time to embrace experiences, issues and obstacles facing those with shared or different identities from our own. Last, we aim to enter this space with an open mind, an empathetic heart, and a shared mission for making Ohio University a better home for everyone. Let us listen, share, and challenge each other as we seek to empower our community, embrace diversity, and practice empathy as we continue to learn.
Join us for Live Streaming of this year's conference
Keynote: Dr. Carolyn Finney on March 4, 2025 at 12pm EST
Conference Schedule
- 8:30 am - 8:45 am: Check-in Table
- 8:30 am - 9:00 am: Coffee/Tea/Water station available
- 9:05 am - 9:15 am: Dr. Lyn Redington Welcome
- 9:15 am - 9:25 am: Provost Leo Welcome
- 9:25 am - 9:35 am: Session Highlights
- 9:35 am - 9:45 am: Travel Time to Breakout 1
- 9:45 am - 10:30 am: Breakout Session 1
- Baker 217: Thanks for the feedback (even if it is difficult for me to hear) (Jim Sand, Mac Stricklen)
- Baker 230: Teaching on Days After: Connecting with Students in Meaningful and Justice-Oriented Ways (Courtney Koestler, Edna Wangui, Rachel Terman, and Emma Gibbons)
- Baker 231: From Data to Decisions: Ensuring Fairness and Accountability in AI (Clifton Mason)
- Baker 233: The Words We Use: How Language Perpetuates or Challenges Ableism (Danielle Feeney and Kelly Newell)
- Baker 235: Community Health Workers: A New Model of Investment in Appalachia (Kerri Shaw and Ash Dasuqi)
- Baker 237: Breaking Down Barriers for International Students: Strategies for Support Before and After Arrival in the U.S. (Brianne Dowler)
- Baker 239: Making Mountains out of Pigeonholes: Supporting Appalachian College Students Amid Internal and External Stereotyping (Kailyn Lamm)
- Baker 366: Sense of Belonging Table Talk (Kathy Fahl, Lisa Flowers-Clements, and Suzette Burlingame)
- 10:30 am - 10:35 am: Session Feedback Dedicated Time
- 10:35 am - 10:45 am: Travel Time to Breakout Session 2
- 10:45 am - 11:30 am: Breakout Session 2
- Baker 217: Intercultural Development Inventory: A Tool to Enhance Team Relationships and Cultural Competency (Jen Imel)
- Baker 230: What we know and what we don't know about civil rights right now (Kerri Griffin)
- Baker 231: Exploring, Improving, and Applying your Critical Pedagogy Skills through Self-Reflection (Muriel Gallego)
- Baker 233: The Knowledge Dividend: Epistemic Justice as a Catalyst for Workplace Engagement and Innovation (Dakota Saul)
- Baker 235: Interactions with Diverse Identities: A Focus on Self-Awareness and Cultural Stressors (Sahaj Vohra & Ijeoma Idika-Chima)
- Baker 237: Health and Healthcare in Black Appalachia (Dr. Brown)
- Baker 239: Campus Community Health Worker and Bobcat ArtsCare: Innovative Approaches to Support Student Health & Well-Being (Tony Gregory and Michelle Gorman)
- Baker 366: Understanding the complexities of immigration in the U.S. and Ohio (Dr. Jokisch)
- 11:30 am - 11:35 am: Session Feedback Dedicated Time
- 11:35 am - 11:45 am: Travel to Lunch (Baker)
- 11:45 am - 12:05 pm: Dismissal for Lunch
- 12:05 pm - 12:10 pm: Introduction of Carolyn
- 12:10 pm - 1:00 pm: Keynote: Carolyn Finney (opens in a new window)
- 1:00 pm: Thank You and Departure
- Brianne Dowler: Breaking Down Barriers for International Students: Strategies for Support Before and After Arrival in the U.S.
- Jen Imel: Intercultural Development Inventory: A Tool to Enhance Team Relationships and Cultural Competency
- Courtney Koestler, Edna Wangui, Rachel Terman, and Emma Gibbons: Teaching on Days After: Connecting with Students in Meaningful and Justice-Oriented Ways
- Jim Sand & Mac Stricklen: Thanks for the feedback (even if it is difficult for me to hear)
- Brad Jokisch: Understanding the complexities of immigration in the U.S. and Ohio
- Dakota L Saul: The Knowledge Dividend: Epistemic Justice as a Catalyst for Workplace Engagement and Innovation
- Muriel Gallego: Exploring, Improving and Applying your Critical Pedagogy Skills through Self-Reflection
- Jocelyn Brown: Health and Health Care in Black Appalachia
- Kailyn Lamm: Making Mountains out of Pigeonholes: Supporting Appalachian College Students Amid Internal and External Stereotyping
- Sahaj Vohra & Ijeoma Idika-Chima: Interactions with Diverse Identities: A Focus on Self-Awareness and Cultural Stressors
- Kerri Shaw & Ash Dasuqi: Community Health Workers: A New Model of Investment in Appalachia
- Michelle Gorman & Tony Gregory : Campus Community Health Worker and Bobcat ArtsCare: Innovative Approaches to Support Student Health & Well-Being
- Clifton E. Mason: From Data to Decisions: Ensuring Fairness and Accountability in AI
- Danielle Feeney & Kelly Newel: The Words We Use: How Language Perpetuates or Challenges Ableism
- Suzette Burlingame, Lisa Flowers-Clements and Kathy Fahl: Sense of Belonging Table Talk
- Kerri Griffin: What we know and what we don't know about civil rights right now
Keynote Address: Carolyn Finney
Carolyn Finney, PhD is a storyteller, author and a cultural geographer who is deeply interested in issues related to identity, difference, creativity, and resilience. The aim of her work is to develop greater cultural competency within environmental organizations and institutions, challenge media outlets on their representation of difference, and increase awareness of how privilege shapes who gets to speak to environmental issues and determine policy and action. Learn more about Carolyn Finney.
Learning Objectives of the Conference
Objective 1
Objective 2
Embrace experiences, issues and obstacles facing those with shared or different identities from our own.
Objective 3
Aim to enter this space with an open mind, an empathetic heart, and a shared mission for making Ohio University a better home for everyone.