Campus Disruption (Ohio House Bill 1219)

In the summer of 1970, the Ohio General Assembly enacted a campus disruption law known as House Bill 1219. This law provides that a student, faculty or staff member, or employee of a state-assisted college or University shall be dismissed if he or she is convicted of any of the enumerated trigger offenses and if such offense occurred "on or affecting" persons or property of such college or University, or in the "immediate vicinity" of a college or University. The law requires notice and hearing after arrest and provides that a person may be suspended prior to conviction if a hearing referee determines that the person committed the offense.

Students are encouraged to read the entire text of House Bill 1219, which is incorporated in Ohio Revised Code (opens in a new window) Sections 3345.21 through 3345.26. 

For purposes of analysis of specific applications, it is important that students consult private legal counsel.