Statement on Sexual Assault

Ohio University is committed to fostering an environment free from the threat of sexual assault, while actively responding to the needs of those affected by sexual assault.

All forms of sexual assault violate policy 03.004 and the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct. Students found in violation of this provision are subject to a range of disciplinary sanctions including disciplinary expulsion from Ohio University.

For more information and to report an incident, please contact:

OfficeContact Information
University Equity & Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC)Kerri Griffin, Director of Civil Rights Compliance and Title IX Coordinator
Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct Incident Report (opens in a new window)
Lindley 006
Ohio University Police Department118 Ridges Circle
The Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility349 Baker University Center

Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct Incident Report (opens in a new window)

Ohio University Resources

ResourceContact Information
Counseling & Psychological Services *Confidential Resource3rd Floor Hudson Health Center
740.593.1616 (24/7 Line)
OhioHealth Campus Care *Confidential Resource1st Floor Hudson Health Center
Survivor Advocacy Program *Confidential ResourceLindley Hall 034
740.597.7233 (24/7 Line)

Community Resources

ResourceContact Information

Center for Student Legal Services (opens in a new window)

*Call or visit website for a list of services

50 S. Court Street, Suite D

Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO) (opens in a new window)

*Offers a support group for LGBT survivors of dating/domestic violence

Call: 866.862.7286
Text: 614.333.1907

O'Bleness Hospital (opens in a new window)

*Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Present 24/7 to provide medical attention and collect evidence

55 Hospital Drive
740.593.5551 (24/7 Line)

Athens Police Department (opens in a new window)

*Crisis intervention officer will respond. Violence Against Women Unit with a special investigator and social worker who can provide confidential victim services

11 North College Street

My Sister's Place (opens in a new window)

*Shelter and social services for survivors of domestic/dating violence

800.443.3402 (24/7 Line)

Athens County Victims Assistance (opens in a new window)

*Advocates can answer questions about your rights, obtaining protection orders, or any other concerns, related to the criminal justice process

Athens County Court House
1 South Court Street, 1st Floor