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Student Spaceflight Experiments Program

SSEP students and facilitators visit with astronaut Don Thomas At Kennedy Space Center in July 2024 for the Student Spaceflight Experiment Project Conference.

Research projects designed by Ohio University students compete to travel to the International Space Station (ISS) and back as part of the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program.

If you're interested in space, join OHIO's Student Spaceflight Experiment this fall.

Dr. Sarah Wyatt invites students from all majors — English to engineering, art to astrophysics and more — to join OHIO's team in the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program's Mission 19 to the ISS.

"You don't need any experience to become part of this," Wyatt emphasized.

Students can even get 2 credits for the time they spend learning about how to design something small enough to send to space while also learning how to write a proposal that shows the big picture of how they'll use the data they'll get back from the ISS.  




Register for PBIO 4941 Undergraduate Research and Presentation taught by Sarah Wyatt in the fall semester.

Academic Credit

Earn 2 credits for the time you spend learning about how to design something small enough to send to space.

Cost & Scholarship Availability

No cost.


One Giant Leap for Ohio Students

“When I learned about this, I was like, ‘Space?! Of course I want to do that,’” says Michael Lane '25, a biological sciences major from Hamilton, Ohio, was looking for research opportunities.


The experience is led by Dr. Sarah Wyatt, who was one of 18 scientists who led the formulation of the nation's ambitious 10-year research roadmap to support humans traveling to the moon and Mars.

Members of the SSEP winning team celebrate.