GPA Calculator

The GPA calculator generates projected GPA values based on expected grades in each course.

Semester GPA Calculator

To calculate your projected GPA for only the current semester:

  1. Enter the Credit Hours for each course you are currently taking for a grade. Non-graded and pass/fail courses do not count in your GPA.
  2. Select your expected grades for each course and press Calculate.

The Projected Semester GPA will be displayed based on the input provided.

Cumulative GPA Calculator

To calculate your projected cumulative GPA:

  1. Enter your current GPA and total hours attempted in the highlighted boxes below.  Current GPA and hours attempted can be found on your DARs. Access Your DARs (Be sure to refresh it so that all information is up to date.)
  2. Enter the course name and credit hours for each course you are currently taking for a grade.
  3. If the course is a retake, click the checkbox and select the grade you received in your most recent attempt of that course from the drop down menu. If you do not remember the exact grade you earned in your most recent attempt in the course, that information can be found on your DARS in the section at the end titled “Undergraduate Course Record”.
  4. Select your expected grades for each course and press Calculate.

The Projected Semester GPA and Projected Cumulative GPA will be displayed based on the input provided.

This tool was designed to assist students with their GPA and is not tied to the University's Student Records System. The results are not official and are based only on the data that you provide.

GPA Calculator
Credit Hours Expected Grade Is this class a retake? Previous Grade (if Retake)
Current GPA
Current GPA Hours Attempted
Projected GPA
Projected Semester GPA Credit Hours for this Semester Projected Cumulative GPA Total Hours Attempted After this Term

Cumulative GPA Projection

  1. Enter your total hours attempted*.
  2. Enter your current GPA*.
  3. Enter the number of credit hours you are taking this semester for a grade. Non-graded and pass/fail courses do not count in GPA.
  4. Enter the goal GPA that you would like to achieve.
  5. Hit the Calculate button. The Projected GPA required to meet your goal will be displayed.

* You may need to access some information on your Degree Audit Report (DARs). Please be sure to refresh your DARs so the information displayed is up to date. Your current GPA and hours attempted can be located on the first page of your DARs labeled “General Graduation Requirement” and your academic record, including the present term and previous ones, which includes information about grades and credit hours attempted for each course, can be found near the end in the section labeled “Undergraduate Course Record”.

Access your DARs