Learning Community Instructors

Become a UC 1900 Instructor

Learning Community Seminar classes are taught by faculty and staff members who are committed to the success, transition and education of OHIO Bobcats.

Students hiking in the woods.
Faculty picture of Dr. Ana Rosado Feger
Learning Community eating lunch

“I thoroughly enjoy teaching UC 1900. The smaller class setting coupled with the course topics allows the faculty member, LCL and students to develop a close relationship with one another. My favorite part of being involved in UC1900 is watching former students thrive at OU and then go on to graduate. There’s something special about knowing that you met the student on their first day of college, and hopefully were able to provide support throughout their journey at Ohio.” 

-Annie Valeant, MBA/MSA, Director of Operation, Strategy & Partnerships, Scripps College of Communications.











It’s a question I get asked every year. I normally teach upperclassmen and graduate students, just because of my field within the CoB. I have three main reasons: 1. Freshmen are excited. They are experiencing lots of new things all at once and most of them come at the challenge with joy. The energy is different in a freshman LC vs an upperclassman class, where they are much more serious and focused on their post-graduation goals. The LC energy is uplifting.

2. LC is about welcoming our Bobcat and College communities and families. I joined OU because it felt like family. I want to share that belonging with our students.

3. Representation. As a Hispanic female, I know how important it can be to see oneself in those who lead us…but also how important it can be for those not in minoritized groups to see those who do NOT look like them be in those leadership roles.

- Ana L. Rosado Feger, Ph.D., O'Bleness Associate Professor of Operations Management / Chair, Management Department

“I love being a part of first year students’ transition into Ohio University. The Pre-Law Learning Community gives me the ability to connect students with resources that will help them develop into successful college students, effective leaders, and engaged community members.  It is rewarding to watch students adjust to their new environment, overcome challenges, find their passions and purpose, all while instilling in them that they have an advocate in their corner as they navigate the first year.”

- Larry Hayman, J.D. Director of Legal Engagement & Pre-Law Program, Center for Law, Justice & Culture, Center for Advising, Career & Experiential Learning











  • Prefer master’s degree or higher from an accredited institution, Learning Community Programs graduate assistant, or currently enrolled as a masters student and requesting to teach UC 1900 as a practicum
  • Ohio University employee
  • Approval by the instructor’s supervisor or department chair
  • Approval by the director of Learning Community Programs
  • Meet the expectations as identified in the Condition of Appointment form

Fall 2024 Instructor Timeline for UC 1900

February 1Call for Instructors
March 8Interest Form and Teaching Time Preference Due
April 8Condition of Appointment Forms Issued 
May 9 Instructor Training Kick-Off 
May 17 Condition of Appointment Forms Due 
August 20 Instructor In-Person Training, split-day 
August 26 First Day of Class 


Syllabus and Weekly Schedule

Learning Community Programs provides a suggested syllabus and weekly topic schedule.

A Canvas PRIME course will be provided. This contains lessons plans for each week as well as any additional resources needed, such as applicable videos, PowerPoints, etc.

A Canvas Instructor Resource Site is also provided which contains links to past trainings, procedural items and other reference materials. The sample syllabus as well as week-to-week schedule is also posted there.

Enhanced Experience Program is a fund that instructors and learning community leaders have access to request opportunity funding for events, fieldtrips, tours, etc. that are associated with the learning community academic focus or exploring a major. Additional information can be found on the Learning Community GIVE page. The funds for this program come from friends of Learning Community Programs through Development.

2024 Instructor Payment Rates

*If there is an employee pay rate for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, the chart below will be updated to reflect that increase.

CategoryUC 1900 /1 credit hourWeekly Meeting with LCLTraining & Summer Modules *Equates to 10 hours earnedTotal Possible
Professor 2,8783402403,458
Professor of Instruction2,4153402402,995
Associate Professor of Instruction2,3593402402,939
Assistant Professor of Instruction2,3023402402,882

Practicum students co-teach UC 1900 and are not compensated.


CANVAS Training

The UC 1900 course will be delivered through the Canvas Learning Management System.

Instructors are asked to complete, and will be compensated for, 6 hours of Canvas related training, above and beyond the core professional development associated with the UC 1900 course. These training items will be online.

Specific training sections will be identified as part of the core training. Instructors need to have functional knowledge of Canvas PRIOR to August when the focus will be on transferring content for the course.

Core Professional Development

Instructors will be compensated for 10-hours of training. All training hours are counted at the end of the summer and integrated into the payment amount submitted. *Instructors who are not financially compensated for instruction are still expected to meet the training expectation. All instructors should plan to attend the May Kick-Off and the August Training half-day (colleges are assigned either the morning or afternoon session).

May 9, 2024 All Instructor Kick-Off

Location Baker 240/242 and Microsoft Teams (link will be sent in the calendar item)

10:00-10:45 a.m. First-time instructors only

11:00-Noon All instructors

*This session is required and will be recorded for those who are not able to attend in-person or virtually on this date.

May 9, 2024 OUPD Active Aggressor Training

1:00-2:30 pm

Location Baker 240/242

This training is highly recommended to all instructors. Learning Community Programs last offered it 2018.

The training will be provided by OHIO University Police Department to provide information and insights regarding response to an active aggressor situation. Run-Hide-Fight strategies will be covered. The training will be provided in-person. It will also be recorded and posted to the Canvas Instructor Resource Site with the other trainings for those who are not able to attend.

June Training Options

During the month of June, virtual training sessions are offered to support instructor engagement with the Canvas instructor resources, lesson plan content and learn about student engagement strategies.   The trainings are recorded and loaded into the Canvas Instructor Resource site.

These typically take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-3:00 pm.  They are recorded and posted for those who are not able to attend.


CANVAS "PRIME" site goes live and there will be several training options about transitioning the material to the Instructor's Canvas site.  The trainings are recorded and loaded into the Canvas Instructor Resource site

August 20, 2024 All Instructor Training Day

Please hold the day for instructor training, more details to come.  Colleges will be split to either attend the morning or afternoon session.

Deadline Date for Training Viewing

In order to receive attendance credit for the training hours, all training needs to be completed by the end of day on August 20, 2024.

Learning Community class at Athens Indian restaurant
Group of students outside of a brick building
Instructor standing next to Rufus

I have always enjoyed getting to engage with a community of first-year students at the very beginning of their academic and career journey.  

The learning community invariably becomes tightly-knit, providing a network of trusted relationships in this new phase of life. I find that that the intentionality and scope of our lessons empower students to make the most of the opportunities on campus. I learn so much from my LC each year, and the class gives me a forum to get new students excited and motivated about the possibilities in their time at Ohio University and beyond. 

- Josh Antonuccio, Director/Associate Director, School of Media Arts & Studies; Director, Ohio University Music Industry Summit; Program Coordinator, Ohio SXSW, Music Industry & Production Masterclass Series; Faculty Advisor, Brick City Records & Women in Music Industry


One of my favorite things about teaching Learning Communities is getting to work closely with outstanding BSN students who serve as Learning Community Leaders. I love planning the course with them and hearing their fresh perspectives to help keep the class relevant and as valuable as possible for the new students. It is also incredibly rewarding when I see my former Learning Community students years later after they have realized their dream of becoming professional nurses; we always have great fun reminiscing about their very first semester in college and looking at how far they’ve come since then.

-Mary Beth Brown, MS, Director of Advising, School of Nursing


Things that I love about being a Learning Community instructor: 

1. I love hearing from new students what they are interested in and excited about, and what they hope to do in the future. 

2. I feel good when I can help a student connect with a support resource, a student group, or the right major.  I like being part of making OHIO feel like home for them. 

3. I love knowing so many students in our program from their first week of classes all the way until their graduation. Seeing the transformation from high school student to engineer is motivating and fulfilling to me. 

4. I love working with the student Learning Community Leader, hearing their ideas and getting their insight and perspectives into the student experience, and seeing them grow in their interpersonal and organizational skills. 

5. I enjoy the chance to connect with people from across the university who are committed to a positive first year experience, to share and try different approaches and ideas. 

-Valerie L. Young, PhD, Faculty Senate Representative, Russ College of Engineering & Technology; Co-Chair, Russ College Committee for Diversity, Equity, inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging; Accreditation Coordinator, Bachelors Program in Chemical Engineering; Advisor, OHIO D2 Ice Hockey; Advisor, Anime Club of Ohio University; Associate Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Graduate Students Serving as Instructors

  • The department requests a graduate student to teach UC 1900 for their college, or
  • Student expresses interest in teaching UC 1900 for experience, or
  • Student expresses interest in teaching UC 1900 as their practicum.

Graduate student needs to maintain active standing

Graduate student needs to be active, enrolled graduate students with at least 1 credit (master's or doctoral).

Is instruction integrated into their position description?

If yes, then: 

  • The graduate student is instructing the UC 1900 seminar class as part of the core work of their graduate assistantship, within their 20 hours.
  • The equivalent to the pay of the course would be built into the graduate appointment.  We can work out details with the person who does the graduate appointments. Example, if their total pay is $14,000, then the Learning Community office pays the UC 1900 equivalent and the department pays the remainder. *Of note, this would only be a fall payment from the Learning Community Office.

If no, then:

  • If the student has a 20-hour assistantship or sum total of all other work, they cannot teach as they have reached the maximum of 20 hours.
  • If the assistantship or sum of all other work is less than 20 hours, we can pay directly to the student.

Load Limitation

  • The graduate student is not able to exceed a total load of 20 hours, including any other work taking place on campus, in any capacity.
  • The UC 1900 seminar class is a 1 credit course, equivalent of 2.67 hours.


  • This is for academic credit and is not paid out.
  • Individuals will be paired with another individual who is a co-instructor.