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Undergraduates invited to apply for paid Research Scholar positions to gain valuable applied experiences

Marilyn Icsman
February 6, 2019
2018-2019 Undergraduate Research Scholars

The Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs is offering Undergraduate Research Scholar funded positions for the­ 2019-2020 academic year. ­ Highly motivated students from any school or department are encouraged to apply for these competitive positions. Students should have a strong academic record with a preferred minimum 3.5 GPA.

Aleah Cumberbatch

“As a Voinovich Scholar, I have had numerous opportunities to collaborate with staff and students on projects aimed at addressing some of the issues affecting communities in Ohio," said Aleah Cumberbatch, a junior studying psychology. "I understand how the work that I do in the classroom overlaps with my work here, and it is encouraging to see how they are both helping me to prepare for the work in my chosen field.” Aleah works in project evaluation under Dr. Holly Raffle.

Selected students will work 10 hours per week, 14 weeks per semester for two semesters at the rate of $11 per hour. Scholars will be assigned to work with Voinovich School faculty and professional staff.­ Opportunities include innovative research and work related to:

  • Energy and the environment
    • Sustainability
    • Watershed management
    • Ecology
    • GIS
    • Field and lab research opportunities
  • Entrepreneurship and regional development
    • Small business planning
    • Economic development
    • Product design and marketing
  • Public policy and leadership
    • Community health
    • Education
    • Public relations and communication
    • Research and evaluation
Morgan MC

Morgan McCarthy, a junior studying business in the Honors Tutorial College, works under Dr. Faith Knutsen on the Social Enterprise Ecosystem project. "At the Voinovich School, I have been able to work on a wide variety of projects that have given me professional experience, valuable connections, and incredible opportunities," she said. "Being a Voinovich Scholar has been transformative to my college experience and instrumental to my future career."

Zachary Cartwright

Another scholar, junior and mechanical engineering major Zachary Cartwright, works in environmental studies. "As a Voinovich Scholar I have researched extensively shale use in the Appalachian region," he said. "Through my work I have developed a multidisciplinary approach to researching which has enhanced my understanding of science, political policy, economics, and how they all work together. While working with incredible professional staff I have been able to develop as a student as well as a community member."

Interested students should email a cover letter, resume, recent DARS report and short writing sample to:

Dr. Ani Ruhil | Professor 740.597.1949 |

The deadline to apply is February 25, 2019.

Click here to visit the Voinovich School’s webpage on the Undergraduate Research Scholar program.