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Voinovich Digital Academy launched to provide free, on-demand education

Marilyn Icsman
April 9, 2019

The Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs is launching an online platform offering career and leadership education to students, professionals, and the community—on demand and at no charge.

The Voinovich Digital Academy recently hosted its first live webinar this month with leadership consultant and Voinovich School Professional Fellow Beverly Jones, author of “Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO.” Jones lead an engaging discussion about gaining confidence and building leadership into a personal brand.

This is the first installment of an executive leadership webinar series that will be available through the Voinovich Digital Academy. The series will include professionals from the public and nonprofit sectors delivering talks aimed at students, professionals and the community on topics relating to leadership development and career advancement.

“It’s broad in what we can deliver, but we’re doing it all digitally,” said Alexander Murray, the Voinovich School’s director of Online Academic Programs.

Another component of the Voinovich Digital Academy will be its “Quick Talks” series. These short, five to ten minute videos will engage the community on emerging issues and topics in the public and private sectors. Faculty, affiliates of the Voinovich School and important leaders will present information on research, leadership practices, and more.

Anyone with an internet connection can participate – affiliation with Ohio University or the Voinovich School is not required to take advantage of the educational videos the Digital Academy offers.

“The whole idea behind the Digital Academy is to be open access for anyone,” Murray said.

“We want that content to be open and available for everyone—for students, for community members, for professionals in the field. We hope that this will provide individuals with some insight regarding the Voinovich School’s vast impact on the community, the economy and the environment, and encourage them to seek out additional information about professional development through our academic programs for themselves or customized leadership training for their organization through our George V. Voinovich Academy for Excellence in Public Service,” Murray said.

Those who tune into webinars live can interact with the speaker and ask questions. Each live webinar or talk will be recorded and uploaded onto the Digital Academy’s website, making it available for later viewing.

“We have individuals who can’t always make it to campus, or can’t attend when we bring guest speakers in,” Murray said. “The Digital Academy gives them an opportunity to be able to engage with and view some of the capabilities of our school.”

Visit the Voinovich Digital Academy’s website here.