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Voinovich School’s Dabelko provides featured commentary in “Nature” journal

May 31, 2019

Environmental studies professor Dr. Geoff Dabelko recently provided information and commentary in a feature article in the international journal of science “Nature” about environmental technology start-up Conservation X Labs’ founder Alex Dehgan.

The article, Hacking conservation: how a tech start-up aims to save biodiversity, focuses on Dehgan’s remarkable career trajectory, and his attempt to use technology to enhance conservation efforts. Dehgan founded a non-profit technology start-up called Conservation X Labs in Washington DC to further his work.

According to the article, “As co-founder and chief executive, Dehgan has big hopes for the organization and the prospect of combatting a precipitous loss in biodiversity around the world. ‘Alex challenges assumptions of who is a conservationist,’ Dabelko says, ‘and his level of ambition is uncommon.’”

To read the full article, visit the Nature website.