News, Documents, Videos

Excellent sources of up-to-date news and information on climate change and related policy issues include:

Inside climate news

The Guardian: Climate Change

Below are selected news articles, documents, and websites that are useful starting points for research, as well as selected relevant videos.  For other aids to research, return to the main menu and click on "Resources."  For additional videos, return to the main menu and click on "Archives (Recent)."  The videos below are marked with "(*)".


Peabody coal's contrarian scientist witnesses lose their court case (The Guardian, May 2, 2016)

During the most important year for climate news, TV coverage fell (The Guardian, March 7, 2016)

Study: How broadcast networks covered climate change in 2015 (Media Matters, March 7, 2016)

2015 and earlier:

(A) Global:

The state of climate negotiations (FERDI working paper by Brian P. Flannery, August, 2015)

Global business sends clear message to policymakers for ambitious deal at COP21 (International Chamber of Commerce,, May 21, 2015)

"An unprecedented mobilization of 25 worldwide business networks representing over 6.5 million companies from more than 130 countries pledged today to lead the global transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient economy. At the Business and Climate Summit, there was a recognition that leading businesses are already taking action to build the prosperous, low carbon economy of the future. In all sectors, business has developed solutions, continues to innovate and is preparing to accelerate the scale and pace of deployment."

General Election 2015: Academics call on parties to set out plans to evacuate cities and move to a fossil fuel-free economy (The Independent, April 17, 2015)

"In a letter published in the Independent, University of Cambridge Professor Peter Wadhams and nine other leading climate change experts warn that the world is headed for an ‘unavoidable nightmare’ that will “pose grave problems for all aspects of society in the short-term and certainly well before the end of the next parliament”.  Particular problems are likely to result from the rising sea levels, ocean acidification and melting Arctic ice and permafrost associated with climate change, the letter warns.  “The future of all nations is irrevocably and immediately threatened. Yet we see little to no discussion of any of this by any of the main political parties during this general election. We therefore request for the benefit of the electorate as a matter of urgency that all parties specifically set down clearly what policies they propose”...."

World on Track to New Universal Climate Agreement with Lima Call for Climate Action zo, dec 14, 2014 - See more at:…

U.S. and China Reach Climate Accord After Months of Talks (The New York Times, November 11, 2014) "China and the United States made common cause on Wednesday against the threat of climate change, staking out an ambitious joint plan to curb carbon emissions as a way to spur nations around the world to make their own cuts in greenhouse gases."

UN Climate Summit: September 23, 2014

People's Climate March:  September 21, 2014

The Earth Charter: "The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. ... The Earth Charter project began as a United Nations initiative [with the 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development], but it was carried forward and completed by a global civil society initiative."

(B) USA:

Surge in Oklahoma earthquakes linked to oil and gas waste wells (NBC News, April 21, 2015)

Obama: "No greater threat" than climate change (CBS News, April 18, 2015)

Weather underground: the arrival of manmade earthquakes (The New Yorker, April 13, 2015)

Maryland legislature votes to ban fracking (The Baltimore Sun, April 10, 2015)

Study links Ohio earthquakes to fracking (Time Magazine, January 8, 2015)

Fracking banned in New York State (New York Times, December 17, 2014).

The Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years (New York Times editorial, November 11, 2014).  The low turnout "was bad for Democrats, but it was even worse for democracy. ....  Showing up at the polls is the best way to counter the oversized influence of wealthy special interests, who dominate politics as never before. But to encourage participation, politicians need to stop suppressing the vote...".

Ohio’s Voting ‘Golden Week’ Halted by U.S. Supreme Court (Bloomberg Businessweek) "A divided U.S. Supreme Court blocked an early voting period known as 'Golden Week' from starting tomorrow in Ohio, reinstating Republican-backed limits the state put in place this year.  A federal judge had said the limits probably would violate the rights of black voters in the Nov. 4 election. Voting 5-4 along ideological lines, the justices today put that ruling on hold, siding with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Secretary of State Jon Husted. The new rules eliminate Golden Week, a period in which voters can register and cast ballots on the same day. The changes also cut Sunday and evening voting." For more details, see

New rules could limit methane emissions’ effects on the atmosphere (Washington Post, Oct. 17, 2014)

How The New York Times Overhyped The Benefits Of Fracking (Huffington Post, September 12, 2014)

Is money still speech? Yes, as constitutional amendment bid fails in Senate. (The Christian Science Monitor, September 11, 2014) "A push to amend the US Constitution failed in the Senate Thursday, as Democrats hoping to restrain the role of money in politics could not overcome Republican resistance. The amendment idea won’t die with the Senate vote. Backers say that after US Supreme Court decisions – including Citizens United in 2010 – that affirm the right of people and corporations to pour unlimited funds into politics, it’s necessary to alter the Constitution to give Congress new power over campaign finance.  But the amendment’s defeat this week shows how hard it will be to succeed in such a drive. ...."

Boom in Energy Spurs Industry in the Rust Belt (New York Times, September 8, 2014)

Protecting Drinking Water Through Underground Injection Control (Report by USEPA Office of Water, undated)

(C) Ohio (mainly Athens area):

(The first two items below are relevant to a current controversy at Ohio University.)

State Inspector General wants to look at "Housing-Gate" records (The Athens News, May 17, 2015)

Timeline of e-mails and events in Park Place - Coventry Lane - McDavis - Wharton Narrative (The Athens News, April 15, 2015)


ACFAN Appeals K&H3 Injection Well Permit (, April 16, 2015)

Athens the Only Ohio City to Pass a Fracking Ban This Election (The Athens News, November 5, 2014)

Athens Community Bill of Rights and Water Supply Protection Ordinance (Issue 7 on ballot in Athens, Ohio on November 4, 2014).

WOUB radio broadcast Q&A session dealing with Issue 7:

Three panel discussions dealing with fracking have been broadcast on Athens Community Television in Athens, Ohio, and will continue to run until November 4th.  The videos were produced by local residents. These concerned citizens believe that the likely negative environmental impacts of deep shale hydraulic fracturing, and/or the underground storage of the industry's toxic liquid wastes in Class II injection wells, could well be severe for both Athens and Ohio University.  One of these concerned citizens is Heather Cantino, who provided valuable research assistance. One of the panels was hosted by Milena Miller, Director of Development for Appalachian Community Visiting Nurses, Hospice and Health Services; the other two panels were hosted by Alyssa Bernstein, Director of Ohio University's Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics.  The links to the panels are here below.

(*) (1) Panel of April 11, 2014:  Panelists: William Boyd, professor at the University of Colorado Law School and expert in environmental law; Dick McGinn, emeritus Ohio University professor and Chairman of the Athens Bill of Rights Committee; Christine Hughes, co-owner of The Village Bakery and Della Zona and member of the Athens 8. Host:  Alyssa Bernstein.

(*) (2) Panel of October 8, 2014:  Panelists: Jeff Risner, member of Athens City Council;  John Howell, founding member of  Democracy Over Corporations;  Barbara Campagnola, member of Athens Bill of Rights Committee.  Host:  Milena Miller. 

(*) (3) Panel of October 17, 2014:  Panelists: Dr. Ryan Fogt, professor at Ohio University in the Department of Geography and Director of the Scalia Laboratory for Atmospheric Analysis; Dr. Douglas Green, professor at Ohio University in the Department of Earth and Environmental Geosciences and expert in characterizing regional seismicity and earthquake hazard; Robert Wiley, ecological and engineering consultant for public agencies, public utilities, and large and small private corporations, and member of the Athens County Commissioners’ Strategic Advisory Committee on deep shale drilling and hydraulic fracturing.  Host:  Alyssa Bernstein.

Know Your Rights to Safe Drinking Water (Ohio State Bar Association, November 30, 2012)

GAO Report Outs Ohio's Flawed Fracking Waste Disposal Program (September 25, 2014, Ohio Citizen Action)

Fracking exposes workers to benzene (September 13, 2014, Columbus Dispatch)

Activists Continue Push to Limit Ohio Oil, Gas Development (September 11, 2014, Natural Gas Intelligence's Shale Daily)

"Activists want Columbus to have environmental ‘bill of rights’" (September 10, 2014, Columbus Dispatch)

"Anti-fracking billboards in Ohio coming down" (September 8, 2014, Bradenton Herald)

Ohio halts injections at two wells for fracking wastewater after quake (September 6, 2014, Columbus Dispatch)

Anti-frack issue could pass this time (August 24, 2014, Youngstown Vindicator)

ODNR settles lawsuit with anti-frackers (June 25, 2014, Athens News)

You Can't Regulate an Industry You're Sleeping With (February 19, 2014, Athens News)

Kasich Aides Knew of Plan for Fracking in State Parks (February 18, 2014, Columbus Dispatch)