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Gordy Hall at night
A night-time view of Gordy Hall

Spring 2024 Colloquia Schedule

Ohio University’s Linguistics Colloquium Series announces its Spring 2024 schedule, which includes several recent alumni of the M.A. in Applied Linguistics program as well as professional development mentoring for current students. Colloquia are Fridays from 12:55-1:50 p.m. in Gordy 310 and via Microsoft TEAMS. All colloquia are accessible via TEAMS

*Indicates via Microsoft TEAMS only.

Jan. 26: Preparing language teachers for emerging innovations – Dr. Greg Kessler, Ohio University.

Feb. 2: *Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Watching Movies with Bimodal and Standard Subtitles: The Case of L2 Swahili Learners – alumna Afua Kwarteng, University of Maine

Feb. 23: Enhancing Linguistic Education with AI: Exploring the Capabilities of ChatGPT in Academic Settings – Dr. Edna Lima, Ohio University.

March 1: Crafting Exceptional Learning Experiences: The Anatomy of Great Course Design – alumnus Dr. Patrick Mose, Ohio University.

March 8: “Are Yous Talking to Mes?”: The Puzzle of Personal Pronouns in Japanese-English Translation – Pat Maher, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan

March 29: Unlocking Language Learning: The Duolingo Method and Its Promising Future – alumnus Mykhaylo Zakryzhevskyy , Duolingo, Pittsburgh

April 12: Metaphor and Humor in the TV Series Succession – Dr. David Bell, Ohio University

April 19: The effect of multimodal input on L2 Spanish learners’ reading comprehension: An eye-tracking study – Tetiana Tytko, University of Maryland

How to Access the Colloquia via Teams

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Join the meeting via Teams; Meeting ID: 225 548 038 604; Passcode: K3WVyj 

Or call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6572,,55770437#; United States, Columbus; Phone Conference ID: 557 704 37# 

For more information, contact Dr. David Bell at

Fall 2023 Colloquia

*Some colloquia where indicated will have in-person speakers in Gordy 313 on the Athens campus of Ohio University. All colloquia are accessible via Microsoft TEAMS.

Sept. 8: *Surviving and Thriving in the First Year of Graduate School – Panel Discussion

Sept. 15: *University policies prohibiting discrimination in the context of Title IX – Dr. Molly Bukky, Ohio University Equity and Civil Rights Compliance

Sept. 22: Communicative Context and Relative Clause Production in Young School-Aged Children University – Dr. Linye Jing, Columbia University

Sept. 29: *Preparing Second Language Educators to Teach Pronunciation with Technology – Dr. Lara Wallace, University of Utah.

Oct. 6: "You will love it here, Insha'allah": Our International Teaching Adventure in Saudi Arabia –  Alicia Whitaker.

Oct. 13: *Beyond Academia: Equipping CALL Professionals for Success in the Knowledge Economy – Dr. Felipe Lubua, University of Pittsburgh

Oct. 20: *Incorporating Chat GPT in EFL Lesson with PIC-RAT Model – Agam Syahrial, Ohio University

Oct. 27: Note: This event has been canceled. *Preparing language teachers for emerging innovations – Dr. Greg Kessler, Ohio University.

Nov. 3: *Instructional Strategies to Reduce Learner Stress in an Online Learning Environment – Amy Khazaal and Hyunjoo Moon, Ohio University

Nov. 17: *Extramural English in a Danish context: Use and learning – Dr. Signe Hannibal Jensen, University of Southern Denmark