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Business Matters

December 10, 2020
Journal Entry Tool (JET)

As a reminder, the JET webpage is a great resource for all things JET, including guidelines for selecting journal categories and writing journal short descriptions, journal header long descriptions and line descriptions.

December 10, 2020
BobcatBUY Document Search Experience Upgrade

BobcatBUY has upgraded its document (requisitions, Purchase Orders, and invoices) search feature to be more user friendly and “elastic”, meaning a faster search experience with more options to search and export.  This update was made on Monday, November 9, in BobcatBUY as part of the 20.3 release up

December 10, 2020
Important Reminders for Winter Break Closure

As we communicated in the October and November Business Matters newsletters, it is important for you to plan for Winter Break Closure (WBC) now.

December 7, 2020
Supplier/Payee Information Form

Finance has seen an uptick in the number of new/updated supplier paperwork (Supplier/Payee Information Form or SPIF and the W-9) needing to be returned to due to incomplete information. 

December 7, 2020
Upcoming Purchasing Dashboard Enhancements

OIT has moved our Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) purchasing data to a data warehouse which allows us greater flexibility in creating more robust reports.  As a result of this change, we are in the process of making enhancements to our PO Summary and Payments dashboards.  The

December 7, 2020
Holiday Expenditures

Ohio University is committed to the responsible use of public funds and as such is providing guidance on holiday expenditures as follows:

December 7, 2020
Important Payment Reminders for Thankgiving Break and Winter Break Closure

As we wind down the calendar year, it is important to start planning for Thanksgiving and Winter Break Closure (WBC) payments.

October 14, 2020
Unused Airline Tickets in Concur

In July 2, 2020 Business Matters, in state travel restrictions were lifted and all other travel must be approved using the exception process outlined in the article.

October 14, 2020
Annual Cash Handling Course Reminder

All employees (including students) that handle payments must complete the Cash Handling & Credit Card Security Awareness training annually to stay up to date on all requirements.   &

October 14, 2020
TIme and Effort Reporting Reminder

Ohio University is required to document procedures and maintain supporting documentation for the distribution  of an individual’s effort to sponsored agreements in accordance with federal regulations as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Princip