OBI Grants Funds Available
On the Grants Funds Available dashboard, we made the following enhancement to add two additional drilldowns from the Award number, which required us to rename the two existing drilldowns for clarity purposes. While the existing drilldowns allowed you to drilldown to Expenditure Categories (e.g., Salaries and Wages, Supplies), the two new drilldowns provide both Expenditure Categories and Expenditure Types (or the object code) that was charged. The drilldowns from Award are now:
- All PTAs for Award by Exp Category (previously named All Combinations for Award)
- PTA by Exp Category (previously named PTA Combination Drill)
- All PTAs by Exp Type (new)
- PTA by Exp Type (new)
From the Expenditure Type screen, you can also further drilldown on Exp Type to view the actual transactions for several time periods:
- Expenditure Type - inception-to-date (ITD) transactions
- Expenditure Type by Period - period-to-date (PTD) transactions
- Expenditure Type by Year - fiscal year-to-date (FYTD)
*NOTE: these respective drilldown options will not appear unless they have actual spending (e.g., if the Expense PTD column is $0 then Expenditure Type by Period will not be listed as a drilldown option)

Additional information about the Finance and HR dashboards can be found in the quick reference guides posted on the finance website: https://www.ohio.edu/finance/quick-reference-guides. If you have questions about these dashboard changes, please contact Finance Customer Care at financecustomercare@ohio.edu.