WellWorks Dietitian Discusses "Diet Drama" at National Conference

November 7, 2017

In the past month WellWorks dietitian Selena Baker, MS, RDN, LD could be found conference-hopping across the eastern U.S., speaking at the Health Educators' Institute on how to translate the newest set of Dietary Guidelines for Americans into actionable messages, and sharing with the attendees of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation how to help clients navigate separating the "Nutrition Facts from the Nutrition Fads". Touching on hot topics such as gluten-free diets, low-carb dining, and the skinny on fat, Selena strives to bring science, practicality, and the big picture to the dinner table. If your interest is piqued, look for our very own "Diet Drama" series coming this spring. We hope you'll join us!