Administrative Senate Elections
The Administrative Senate conducts elections annually in the spring. The 38 elected representative seats serve two-year terms. Elections are held for approximately half of the senate seats in alternate years.
Become a Senator
The distribution of district representation is proportionate to the number of administrative employees in each designated unit. 36 seats are elected from the main campus, including senators elected from districts and at-large. The remaining two senators are elected from the regional campuses.
Pursuant to Ohio University policy 41.115, an "administrator" is defined as an employee of Ohio University holding who serves in an exempt-unclassified or non-exempt-unclassified position as determined by Ohio University Human Resources and spends more than 50% of his or her time in administrative duties. This shall exclude employees defines as executive officers by Ohio University policy 40.105 and those faculty whose responsibilities are defined as more than 50% administrative, but who have retained faculty rank but not faculty status (see Ohio University Faculty Handbook, Revised February 2017, Section II.C.4.).
To be a candidate for senator, an eligible administrator must complete and submit the application form authorized by the Elections Committee and must declare which district or at-large position they are seeking.
Election Process
1. Call for Applications
Early March
Open positions are announced. A call for nominations and applications is made to all administrators.
2. Application Submissions
Early to Mid March
Interested and eligible administrators submit applications to initiate candidacy.
3. Candidate Certification
Late March to Early April
Applications are certified to ensure that applicants are eligible to hold office.
4. Ballot Preparation
Early to Mid April
Ballots are prepared for distribution, including the names of all certified candidates.
5. Voting
Mid to Late April
Administrators vote on candidates. Returned ballots are validated.
6. Election Certification
Before last working day in April
Votes are counted. Election conduct and results are validated and certified. A report is sent to the Secretary of the Senate.
7. Result Announcement
June Senate meeting
The Secretary of the Senate announces election results.
8. Senate Inauguration
July 1
Newly elected senators and officers assume office.
Current Vacancies
If you're interested in self-appointing yourself to a vacancy, please email Administrative Senate at
Become an Executive Officer
Executive Officer's seats include Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past Chair or Designee.
Elected senators who have completed one full year of service on the Administrative Senate are eligible to serve as Executive Officers. No individual may be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
Election Process
The Administrative Senate conducts biennial elections for Officers at the June Senate meeting. New Executive Officers officially take office on July 1.
Elections Committee
- Charge: The Elections Committee will manage and oversee the annual regular elections, special elections, and elections for the Executive Committee, including recommending the election procedures for approval by the Administrative Senate. The Committee will retain election results for at least seven years from the date they are determined. The Committee will present an updated list of senators to the Secretary of the Administrative Senate by July 1 of each year, along with a list of candidates who were not elected.
- Membership: The Executive Committee will annually appoint to the Elections Committee at least three currently serving senators whose senator positions will not be open to voting in the next annual regular election.
- Leadership: The Executive Committee will name one of the appointed members to serve as Chair of the Elections Committee. The Committee will select a Co-chair from among its members.
Members - 2023-24
- Logan Waldie, Chair
- Jenn Watson
- Jen Maskiell