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Career-Technical Credit

Students who successfully complete specified high school technical programs may be eligible to have technical credit transfer to Ohio public colleges and universities. How credit is transferred is defined by Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAG). CTAGs are advising tools that assist students moving from Ohio secondary and adult career-technical institution to Ohio public institutions of higher education.

The statewide guarantee of credit transfer applies only when the career-technical institution and Ohio University have an approved program or course and features the use of specific technology. Visit the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s Career-Technical Assurance Guide Courses Reporting System for more information on how your career-technical credit aligns with Ohio University coursework.

How to Receive Credit

For Fall 2025 and beyond, admitted students who consent to receive transfer credit during their exam completion process will automatically receive credit for eligible career-technical program(s) and coursework through the Credit Availability Report from the Higher Education Information portal.

Some programs or courses may require students to provide proof of credentials and licenses. Refer to the Ohio Department of Higher Education Career-Technical Credit Transfer (CT)² website for more information, including CTAGs.

Students who did not consent to receive transfer credit during their exam completion process must complete the Career-Technical Articulation Verification (CTAV) request form.
CTAV Request Form