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University Partners Alumni Engagement Resources

Welcome partners from across the university system. As the Ohio University Alumni Association, we seek to advance Ohio University through meaningful, lifetime engagement of its alumni base. This webpage will serve as a hub for resources as you work to represent, uplift, and celebrate OHIO alumni and the many, many Bobcat connections around the world.

  • We look forward to partnering with you!

    The goal of the Campus Partnership team is to provide quality service to college/campus partners and develop alumni-focused programming to elevate and celebrate Ohio University’s impact on students, state, and community. 

Campus Partner Liaisons

Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations, Campus Partnerships
Laurie Lach
  • Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • College of Business
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations & Campus Partnerships
Taylor Hayes
  • Russ College of Engineering
  • Patton College of Education
  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • College of Health Sciences & Professions
Assistant Director, Outreach and Alumni Engagement
Alex Hileman
  • Admissions
Sr. Associate Director, Alumni Relations & Campus Partnerships
Laura Sowers
  • College of Fine Arts
  • Scripps College of Communication
  • Honors Tutorial College 
Senior Associate Director, Student and Recent Alumni Engagement
Dana Wright
  • Division of Student Affairs

Support for our University Partners

Find Passionate Alumni

Are you in search of a classroom speaker to discuss the real-world application of an Ohio University degree? Or maybe you need panelists for an upcoming event. Whatever the reason, there are many ways to explore, and get in touch with alumni.

  1. Bobcat Network - The Bobcat Network is a new and easy platform where alumni, students, faculty, and staff can engage in networking, mentorship, and professional development opportunities. Complete your profile to connect with all kinds of Bobcats all over the world. The Connect with a Bobcat feature is an easy-to-use directory that allows for fast and easy searches using keywords. The best part – many of these folks have already raised their hand saying they want to help students and other alumni! EXPLORE THE BOBCAT NETWORK
  2. Ohio University Alumni Association LinkedIn Group - Ohio University has an official OHIO alumni group, with over 30k people. JOIN the OUAA LinkedIn Group
  3. Request an email to alumni - Need to send out an official Ohio University email invitation to a specific group of alumni within a given region or area of study? Use the UCM email request form to get started! Learn more about UCM's email policies

Submit a UCM request

Plan an Alumni Event

From managing registration, coordinating a campus tour, or just sending out an email, we are ready to help you make the most out of your event. Please see below for ways in which we can help make your event or program successful.  

Want us to help spread the word about your awesome alumni event? Using the resources available to the Division of Advancement, the Campus Partnerships team can host registration, send email invitations, and overall promote your event for more exposure and participation. Reach out to your alumni liaison or fill out the form to get started! 

**Please note that we request a six-week lead time for all event promotions.

If your college or unit has an interest in partnering with the Alumni Association on creating an alumni event, outing, or program – let us know! Collaboration can include sponsorship, event execution assistance, OHIO swag, and overall planning guidance. Reach out to your alumni liaison or fill out the form to get started! 

**Please note that we request a twelve-week lead time for all partner events.

Traditions programming
The Ohio University Alumni Association holds a multitude of events on a yearly basis. Such as our annual Homecoming celebration, the OUAA creates many opportunities for alumni to connect with the University and to one another. Have an interest in being a part of these celebrations? Let us know by completing the collaboration request form.  

**Please note that we request a twelve-week lead time for inclusion in traditions programming.

Know of alumni doing amazing things – tell us! As the college or regional experts, we want to hear your alumni profile ideas - share names of alumni to be used as featurettes, stories and/or guest presenters for programs and events.

Submit a request

Communicate with Alumni

Do you have something that alumni need to know about? Sharing important college-specific information with alumni is key to making sure they can relate to current students and university happenings. 

University Communications and Marketing (UCM) shares information with alumni in many different formats, and you may be able to include your information in a newsletter, email, or social media post. See below for all the ways in which UCM is currently communicating with alumni.

  • Alma Mater OHIO– monthly e-newsletter that goes out to 160k+ alumni
  • Ohio Today – printed magazine available for home delivery or online. Published three times a year.
  • LinkedIn – Ohio University has an official LinkedIn group
  • Social media – OHIO has many university-focused social media accounts suitable for a wide range of topics and information sharing.
  • Bobcat Network – create a profile and become connected to over 3,000 Bobcats. Create a post on the main feed for students, alumni, and University employees to see!

Learn more about all the ways OHIO communicates with its alumni 

Alumni Engagement Reporting

We know you are doing amazing work with your alumni base - make sure it gets included in our annual alumni engagement reporting. Each fiscal year, the Division of Advancement calculates an engagement score, with guidance from the Council for Advancement in Support of Education (CASE). Pulling data from our alumni CRM, as well as collecting manual information, we take the number of engaged alumni and divide that by our legally contactable alumni base. This gives us a percentage of engaged alumni each year, and a better understanding of who is involved with the University.

If you have hosted alumni activities not recorded in Advancement's central database, please upload that information here. Reach out to Kate Robey or any campus partner liaison with questions. 

Upload your info

Financial Support for Alumni Activities

Ohio University Alumni Association offers various levels of support for alumni activities across the campus. In addition to event, marketing, and registration support, we have implemented a financial sponsorship process as another avenue for our partners to seek funding for activities within their departments, colleges, and regional campuses.  

Financial Support Criteria: The event and/or initiative must have alumni as a PRIMARY audience, and the purpose of the event must be geared toward alumni or in support of alumni activities.

OUAA and University Advancement will approve funds three times a year, and approved sponsorships will range from $250 - $1,000. If there is a need for additional funds outside that range, please indicate that in your application. All support requests must have an application filled out and submitted by the dates provided below:  

Sponsorship Requests Due: 
Round 1: Aug. 15 (Decisions provided by Sept. 15) 
Round 2: Dec. 15 (Decisions provided by Jan. 15) 
Round 3: April 15 (Decisions provided by May 15) 

Submit an Application

Contact OUAA

Email Laurie Lach, Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations, Campus Partnerships, to discuss ideas or questions regarding OUAA support.