Clippinger Research Annex

Main Building Image
Photo of Clippinger Research Annex on a sunny day

Building Type:

Campus Green:
South Green

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Current Use

The Clippinger Research Annex is used for a variety of leading research efforts including nanomagnetism/nanospintronics research by Prof. Arthur Smith and electromagnetic bio-sensory research by Prof. David Russell and Prof. Alexander Neiman. Also housed within the building is the helium liquefaction facility, a computer room, and various support labs. Ohio University's Helium Recovery and Liquefaction Facility recycles boiled-off helium gas from research labs within the Annex, the Surface Science Laboratory, and Clippinger Laboratories.


Built in 1973, the Zoology Animal Science Building, as it was then known, was constructed for the study and observation of animals and was used for research by the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Osteopathic Medicine. It has been transitioned to use by various faculty research projects in other disciplines. It was renamed the Clippinger Research Annex in 2011.

The helium recovery and liquefaction facility installation was completed and operational in 2011. The facility is operated by the Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomenon Institute and cost roughly $800,000. This facility achieves up to 95 percent gas recovery efficiency, conserving Earth's precious helium resource, saving the university around $100,000 per year in helium costs, and providing a readily available source of liquid helium for NQPI's low-temperature research.


236 University Terrace, Athens, OH 45701 (Directions (opens in a new window))

Clippinger Research Annex
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery © Mapbox

The South Green

The South Green on Ohio University's Athens campus.

South Green is composed of residence halls and a dining hall. Notable buildings on this green include Nelson Commons, Carr Hall, Sowle Hall and Brown Hall.

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