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The Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre
One of the nation's first and highest ranked college sales programs.

Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre

Learn about our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Schey x Diversity


Take your college experience to the next level.

“We'll teach you the skills you need to get your dream job.” —Dr. Adam Rapp, Executive Director


Hear why 700+ other students have joined the Schey. 


More Info on the Schey

No matter your major, you can apply.


seniors with jobs at graduation


partner companies who recruit from us

Students, called candidates once inducted in the program, work to earn a Sales Certificate recognized on their official transcript. We want students of all majors and backgrounds: from anthropology to zoology and everything in between. We have a competitive and selective admissions policy which takes your GPA, resume, and personal interview into account.

Apply to the Schey

What are you waiting for?

Students from other colleges walk across the graduation stage asking "Now what?" For us, that question was answered long ago with our admission into the Schey Sales Centre. We've interned all over the country, taken personal assessments, role-played on video, attended development workshops, taken on leadership roles, and fostered personal relationships with today's leading companies. We aren't worried about the future, we've been preparing for it. We walk across the stage and say "Let's go."

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