David Stowe

Associate Professor of Finance
Muck 202A
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- PhD Finance, University of Missouri - Columbia, 2014
- MS Applied Mathematics, Ohio University, 2009
- MS Finance, University of Colorado - Denver, 2003
- BSBA Finance and Banking, University of Missouri - Columbia, 1999
Research Interests
- Financial Services
- Mathematical Modeling
- Portfolio Theory
- Quantitative Methods
- Risk Management
Professional Experience
- Ohio University, 2013-present, Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance
- Ohio University, 2008-2009, Instructor, Math Department
- Ohio University, 2006-2007, Sr. Financial Analyst, Treasury Department
- School Employees Retirement System of Ohio, 2004-2006, Sr. Investment Analyst
- Invesco Funds Group, Inc., 2000-2003, Various Roles
Selected Publications
- “The Valuation and Strategic Use of the Recharacterization Option for Traditional to Roth IRA Conversions,” (with Andy Fodor and John Stowe), Financial Analysts Journal, Volume 69, Number 5, 2013.
- “The Wealth Effects of Oil and Gas Property Sell-Offs to E&P MLP Buyers,” (with Andy Saporoschenko), Journal of Financial and Economic Practice, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012.