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Business Analytics Minor

The future is data-driven — boost your skills and competencies in BA and get hands-on experience in predictive and prescriptive statistical tools.

Students study together on their computers

Business analytics refers to the knowledge, skills, and competencies required for the systematic exploration and investigation of business data using statistical tools to support decision making and to gain insight into business performance.

There is a growing demand for analytics professionals in the workplace. The need for talented analytics professionals is outpacing the rate at which students are earning degrees in higher education.

OHIO's College of Business offers this minor to help students develop the skills and competencies in business analytics. The minor provides students with hands-on experience of statistical tools used in the business environment using data supplied by industry partners.

William Young, Ph.D., an O'Bleness Associate Professor of Business Analytics, Director of the Master of Business Analytics, and Director of the Online MBA oversees OHIO's business analytics minor along with Andy Fodor, Ph.D., Leona Hughes Professor of Finance.


Admission Information

  • Freshman/First-Year Admission: No requirements beyond University admission requirements
  • Change of Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements
  • External Transfer Admission: No requirements beyond University admission requirements

Courses in Business Analytics Minor

The business analytics minor is earned after completing 15 hours of course work. Complete course information is available in the Undergraduate Catalog (opens in a new window). This includes Repeat/Retake Information, Grades, Requisites, Warnings, and more. Review the catalog and talk with your academic advisor as you consider this minor.

All students complete these two core courses for 6 hours:

  • QBA 1720 - Introduction to Information Analysis and Descriptive Analytics (3 Credit Hours)
    Introduces students to information analysis and descriptive analytics. Students critically analyze business problems and develop high-quality information designs that inform and support management decisions using personal computer software tools.
  • QBA 2720 - Business Analytics (3 Credit Hours)
    Teaches students how to apply problem-solving processes to business situations, think critically and analytically, and understand how to analyze the internal and external environments of business organizations.

Students finish the minor by choosing and completing three elective courses for 9 hours:

  • MIS 2800 - Business Intelligence and Information Management (3 Credit Hours)
    Provides an introduction to database terminology, design, development, the querying of databases, Business Intelligence and the management of information to solve complex business problems.
  • MIS 4580 - Advanced Business IntelligenceStudents will work with the data modeling, processing, and computation (3 Credit Hours)
    techniques to remove these barriers. Utilizing software commonly used to process “all data,” students will understand how to address the volume, velocity, and variety of data that businesses face to today.
  • QBA 3720 - Predictive Analytics (3 Credit Hours)
    Predictive analytics is a form of analysis that aims to discover trends or patterns within datasets. The mathematical relationships that are found are used to make proactive data-driven decisions. Students utilize major software tools that are commonly used in business to develop, test, and apply continuous, classification and clustering models.
  • QBA 4720 - Prescriptive Analytics (3 Credit Hours)
    Prescriptive analytics uses multiple techniques that recommend which course of action a decision maker should take within a business environment. Students will conduct an analysis of assignment, transportation, and network models as well as investigate other business scenarios that require additional theories such as integer and goal programming.

Interested in Declaring a Business Analytics Minor?

The process is simple:


  1. Visit your college's student service office
  2. Ask for an "Application for Update of Academic Programs" form; it may also be referred to as the "declaration of major/minor form"
  3. You may need the program code for the business analytics minor: OR6158
  4. You may need your advisor's ID and name. (Find your advisor through the My OHIO Success Network.)
  5. Return the completed form to your student service office.

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Three Notes from an Advisor

  • Most students complete this minor within four semesters.
  • This business analytics minor provides a comprehensive experience that is meaningful to career opportunities — and since the minor can be completed quickly, even juniors can still knock this out, adding BA to their skills set.
  • Scripps College of Communication students in the strategic communication major may like the added value and perspective this minor brings to their digital and social media curriculum and experiences.

Growing Demand

As stated above, the demand for talented analytics professionals is outpacing the rate at which students are earning degrees in higher education.

Chart showing the growing demand for higher education degrees. United States shows around -22,000, Brazil shows -5,000, United Kingdom shows -4,000, India Singapore and Japan show around -1,000, and China shows around 2,500

Time-to-Fill by Industry

DSA Framework CategoryTop Industries
(by Demand Volume)
Average Time to Fill (Days)Average Annual Salary
Data-Driven Decision MakersProfessional Services50$96,845
Finance & Insurance37$98,131
Functional AnalystsFinance & Insurance35$71,937
Professional Services48$69,135
Data Systems DevelopersProfessional Services51$82,447
Finance & Insurance35$87,039
Data AnalystsProfessional Services47$74,917
Finance & Insurance31$83,209
Data Scientists & Advanced AnalystsProfessional Services51$97,457
Finance & Insurance43$106,610
Analytics ManagersFinance & Insurance38$113,754
Professional Services53$107,185

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