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Finance Minor

Step-up your OHIO major with a finance minor which will help you project future growth, analyze expenditure, and prepare you for the world of business, economics, and banking.

A professor works with students in a classroom

The finance minor is available to all Ohio University undergraduate students. Challenging financial markets on Wall Street and around the world make the need for savvy leaders with a finance background more vital than ever before.

The finance minor will provide you with a basic understanding of corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, and investments. After getting this basic financial knowledge, you can choose from a number of electives based on your interests to complete the additional required minor courses.

Depending on the electives students choose to take within the minor, they may be prepared for fields such as banking, insurance, government services, or in an array of industries that employ financial analysts, decision makers, financial strategists, budgeting officers, and planners.

OHIO students who are studying math, computer science, engineering, accounting, and analytics are especially encouraged to consider this finance minor. This minor pairs well with OHIO's business analytics minor, marketing minor, and sales certificate. 

Admission Information

  • Freshman/First-Year Admission: University admission requirements and completion of MATH 1350
  • Change of Major/Minor/Certificate Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements
  • External Transfer Admission: University admission requirements and completion of MATH 1350

Courses in Finance Minor

Complete course information is available in the Undergraduate Catalog (opens in a new window). This includes Repeat/Retake Information, Grades, Requisites, Warnings, and more. Review the catalog and talk with your academic advisor as you consider this minor.

All students complete these three courses:

  • FIN 3000 – Introduction to Corporate Finance
    Introduces the student to the basic principles of short-term and long-term corporate financial management.
  • FIN 3270 – Financial Markets and Institutions
    Flow of funds and interest-price movements in money and capital markets. Supply of loanable funds and demand for funds in mortgage loan market, consumer credit market, corporate securities markets, and markets for government securities and municipal obligations. Consideration of effects on financial markets of Federal Reserve and Treasury policies.
  • FIN 3410 – Investments
    This course covers the principles used by investors to identify and evaluate various investment alternatives.

Elective Courses

  • Complete 6 more hours of additional FIN courses for a total of 15 hours. 

Interested in Declaring the Finance Minor?

The process is simple:

  1. Visit your college's student service office
  2. Ask for an "Application for Update of Academic Programs" form; it may also be referred to as the "declaration of major/minor form"
  3. You may need the program code for the finance minor: OR6125
  4. You may need your advisor's ID and name. (Find your advisor through the My OHIO Success Network (opens in a new window).)
  5. Return the completed form to your student service office.

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Two Notes from an Advisor

  • FIN 3000 is available online and counts toward the minor.
  • A student could specialize in corporate finance, investments, or financial planning by selecting specific upper levels for the two elective courses.

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