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Jason Stoner

Headshot of Jason Stoner
Associate Professor in Management
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  • Ph.D. The Florida State University, College of Business, Department of Management. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management concentration. (2007).
  • M.B.A. Bradley University, Management concentration. (2002).
  • B.S. Bradley University, Management concentration. (1999).

Research Interests

Stress and Coping in the Workplace; Identification and Social Identity Theory

Professional Experience

  • Instructor, Department of Management, The Florida State University, 2006. Contemporary Leadership. (Man 4143).
  • Instructor, Department of Management, The Florida State University, 2005-2006. Negotiation and Conflict Management. (Man 4441).
  • Instructor, Department of Management, The Florida State University, 2003-2005. Organizational Behavior. (Man 3240).
  • Instructor, Department of Management, The Florida State University, 2004. Strategic Management. (Man 4720).
  • Research Assistant, Department of Management, The Florida State University, 2002-2004. 

Selected Publications

  • Thacker, R. & Stoner, J.S. (forthcoming, 2011). Supervisors’ instrumental and emotional influences on subordinate help-seeking behavior: An exploratory study. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Accepted January, 2010.
  • Stoner, J.S., Gallagher, V.C., & Stoner, C.R. (2011). The interactive effects of emotional family support and perceived supervisor support on the psychological contract breach –turnover relationship. Journal of Managerial Issues, 22(2), 124-143.
  • Stoner, J.S., & Gallagher, V.C. (2011). The glass is half full: The positive effects of organizational identification for employees higher in negative affectivity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1793-1811.
  • Stoner, J.S., Perrewé, P.L., & Hofacker, C. (2011). The development and validation of the multi-dimensional identification scale (MDIS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1632-1658.
  • Stoner, J.S., Perrewé, P.L., & Munyon, T.P. (2011). The role of identity in organizational citizenship behaviors: Development of a conceptual model. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26 (2), 94-107.
  • Stoner, J.S., & Gallagher, V.C. (2010) Who Cares? The Role of Job Involvement in Psychological Contract Violation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40 (6),1490-1514.
  • Giordano, G.A., Stoner, J.S., Brouer, R.L., & George, J.F. (2007). The influences of deception and computer-mediated communication on self-report measures of tension and satisfaction in dyadic negotiations. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12, article 2.
  • Ferris, J.R., Perrewé, P.L., Ranft, A.L., Zinko, R., Stoner, J.S., Brouer, R.L., & Laird, M.D. (2007). Human resources reputation and effectiveness. Human Resource Management Review, 17, 117-130.
  • Harvey, N.P., Stoner, J.S., Kacmar, C., Hochwarter, W.A. (2007). Coping with abusive supervisors: The neutralizing effects of ingratiation and positive affect on the negative consequences of abusive supervision. Leadership Quarterly, 18, 264-280.
  • Gunlach, M.J., Zivnuska, S., & Stoner, J.S. (2006). Understanding the relationship between individualism-collectivism and team performance through an integration of social identity theory and the social relations model. Human Relations, 59, 1603-1632.
  • Byrne, Z., Kacmar, C., Stoner, J., Thompson, K., & Hochwarter, W. (2005). The relationship between perceptions of politics perceptions and depressed mood at work: Unique moderators across three levels. Journal of Occupational and Health Psychology, 10, 330-343.
  • Byrne, Z., Stoner, J., Thompson, K., & Hochwarter, W. (2005). The interactive effects of conscientiousness, work effort, and psychological climate on job performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 326-338.
  • Hochwarter, W., Kiewitz, C., Gundlach, M., & Stoner, J. (2004). The impact of vocational and social efficacy on job performance and career satisfaction. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 10, 27-40.
  • Giordano, G., Stoner, J., Brouer, R., and George, J.F. (2008). Computer-mediated negotiations and deception: A review of previous research, a recent study, and future research directions.” In S. Kelsey and K. St. Amant (Eds), Handbook of Research on Computer Mediated Communication, Hershey, PA: IGI.
  • Perrewé, P.L., Ferris, G.R., Stoner, J.S., & Brouer, R.L. (2007). The positive role of political skill in organizations, In D.L. Nelson & C.L. Cooper (Eds.), Positive organizational behavior: Accentuating the positive work. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Stoner, J. & Perrewé, P. (2005). As consequencias do humor deprimido no trabalho: A importancia do apoio does superiors, In A.M. Rossi, P.L. Perrewé & S.L. Sauter (Eds.), Perspectivas atunais da saude ocupacional (pp. 91-103). Sao Paulo Brazil: Editora Atlas.
  • Stoner, J., & Perrewé, P. (2006, English reprint). The consequences of depressed mood at work: The influence of supportive supervisors, In Ana Maria Rossi, Pamela L. Perrewé & Steven L. Sauter (Eds.), Current perspectives in occupational


Joining the Management Systems faculty at Ohio University in 2007, Dr. Jason Stoner received his B.S. (’99) and M.B.A. (’02) from Bradley University and his Ph.D. from Florida State University (’07). With primary research interest in the areas of stress and identity, he has published in the Journal of Occupational and Health Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Relations, and Leadership Quarterly, as well as presented works at the Southern Management Association’s annual conference, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s annual conference, and the national Academy of Management’s annual conference. In addition, Dr. Stoner has taught courses in Organizational Behavior, Conflict Management and Negotiations, and Strategy at the university level.