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Biological Sciences Scholarships & Financial Aid

Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards

Graduate Student Financial Aid

Endowed Scholarships

  • Bernadine L. Allen Biological Sciences Memorial Fund
  • Patricia Ann (Donahey) Morrison, Richard S. Donahey Sr., and Martha M. Donahey Memorial Scholarship
  • Rush Elliott Pre-Professional Scholarship
  • Lela A. Ewers Science Scholarship
  • John R. Johnson Scholarship
  • Raymond S. Lupse, M.D., and Martha M. Lupse Pre-Med Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Ruth Mathewson Scholarship Fund
  • Edward S. Sprague Scholarship
  • Karin Lerch Toomey Scholarship

Undergraduate Award Opportunities

All currently enrolled Ohio University students can complete the Online Scholarship Application to be considered for scholarships in the upcoming academic year. Scholarship applications are accessed through the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Dr. Sig Maier Undergraduate Research Fund

The Dr. Sig Maier Undergraduate Research Fund was established to provided funding for students majoring in the Biological Sciences to conduct undergraduate research.


  • Award recipients must have attained junior or senior status as of the beginning of the academic year.
  • Students majoring in the Biological Sciences Department, regardless of area of specialization are eligible.
  • Two awards of $500 will be granted each year.
  • Applicants must have a faculty mentor who has reviewed and approved their research project. The faculty mentor assumes the responsibility of providing laboratory space and guidance throughout the project.
  • Application forms may be picked up in the BARR office in Irvine 109 in February.
  • Application deadline is March 22.

Ohio University Office of Nationally Competitive Awards

The Ohio University Office of Nationally Competitive Awards (opens in a new window) helps promising undergraduate students compete for national awards, which can provide the funding, opportunity, and connections to realize their dreams?both now and in the future.

While ONCA students are very successful in the national competitions, winning an award is just one benefit of applying. Through the reflection and challenge required in the application process itself, candidates define their hopes, dreams and goals, and learn skills necessary to achieve them.

Program to Aid Career Exploration (PACE)

The Program to Aid Career Exploration (opens in a new window) (PACE) is an on-campus, internship-like work program sponsored by and unique to Ohio University. This program employs approximately 400 students each year. PACE gives students the opportunity to explore their career interests while attending school. The program also serves as an excellent resume-builder for students looking to expand their work experience. Additionally, PACE allows students to enhance their professional skills while earning a paycheck.