Chemistry Graduate Policies & Procedures
- Limits on Financial Support
- Termination of Financial Support or Dismissal from Program
- University Requirements
- Professional Ethical Conduct
- Changes in Coursework Requirements
- Keys
- Computer Usage
- Copier Usage
Limits on Financial Support
Time limits for associateship, fellowship and/or scholarship support of graduate students seeking master's (M.S.) degrees shall normally be limited to a total of no more than seven (7) semesters (including summers).
Time limits for support of graduate students seeking the Ph.D. degree shall normally be limited to a total of no more than nineteen (19) semesters (including summers; i.e. 6 years + 1 semester) beyond the bachelor?s degree. Students with a master's (M.S.) degree are limited to no more than eighteen (18) semesters of support (including summers; i.e. 6 years). These limits are comparable to national average (ACS survey 2007). The national mean time to a Ph.D. degree is 5.2 years. Faculty members are thus encouraged to organize student research plans not to significantly exceed this duration. Students are expected to work diligently to graduate in such a time frame.
The university sets final limits on support based on the number of semesters of graduate study and previous degree(s) obtained.
Termination of Financial Support or Dismissal from Program
Failure to make adequate progress toward your degree or to adequately perform any of the duties assigned or required in conjunction with your associateship or assistantship are grounds for non-renewal of financial support (including tuition scholarships) and grounds for dismissal from program as determined by the Graduate Committee.
For non-native English speaking students, lack of progress in English language skills can be viewed as failure to make adequate progress.
In the event that a student's ability to graduate may be negatively affected by a departmental-related decision (e.g., removal of TA support or dismissal from the program) the student may appeal his or her case to the Graduate Committee. At any time, the student may also discuss their case with the university's Office of the Ombudsperson (opens in a new window).
Scholarly Discipline Requirement
There is no "scholarly discipline" requirement.
University Requirements
Each student is responsible for insuring that the plan of study (including but not limited to coursework, thesis/dissertation preparation, the maintenance of grade standards, and meeting established time limits) conforms to the University-wide standards as published in the current Graduate Catalog.
The requirements of Chemistry & Biochemistry Department indicated in this document are in addition to those stated in the Graduate Catalog.
Professional Ethical Conduct
Students are expected to maintain standards of professional and ethical conduct in keeping with Ohio University policy and the scientific discipline. (See Professional Ethical Conduct.)
Student conduct gauged to be professional ethical misconduct may result in termination of support, dismissal from the program and/or referral to university authorities as determined by the Graduate Committee.
Changes in Coursework Requirements
Students are expected to follow coursework requirements in effect at the time of their initiation of graduate work.
If the coursework requirements are changed during the period of study, the student has the option of following the original set of requirements or adopting in entirety a new set of requirements.
The Graduate Committee must approve any change in the coursework requirements.
Students will be issued keys to the building, your office and any other room to which they need access.
Key request forms must be obtained from the chemistry office.
Failure to return keys will result in an academic hold on a studnet's university record and non-clearance for graduation.
Computer Usage
The department provides access to several computer stations, and each research lab should have access as well.
Computers are available for departmental graduate students, authorized undergraduate students and faculty use only. Some software and manuals are available. Do not remove these materials from the room.
The Ohio University Student Code of Conduct Policy defines the Misuse or Abuse of Computers ? as the ?misuse, or abuse of any computer, computer system, service, program, data, network, cable television network, or communication networks.? Students found in violation of this policy are subject to a possible sanction of suspension or expulsion from Ohio University. Additionally, the Computer and Network Use Policies (91.003) provide guidelines on acceptable computer use. The following are considered Misuse of Computers. Students found to have engaged in such actively will be referred to the Ohio University Office of Judiciaries for a disciplinary hearing.
- Pornography—There will be NO browsing, downloading, printing, bookmarking, creating shortcuts, etc. to pornography on ANY computer.
- Printing—Printers are provided as a convenience in the use of computers. Printing of materials necessary for research and courses is acceptable practice. It is NOT acceptable to print large files of nonuniversity related items. For example, printing a newspaper is not allowed.
- Software is not to be installed on these machines without prior permission from the system manager.
- File-sharing (P2P) of materials (e.g., movies, music, and books) protected by copyright is forbidden by Ohio University and has resulted in criminal prosecution.
Copier Usage
Graduate students are entitled to 100 copies per month.
Anyone averaging more than 100 copies per month over a six-month period will be billed for additional copies at a rate of 5 cents per copy.