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The Edwards Accelerator Laboratory building, tandem accelerator and beam swinger
Edwards Accelerator Laboratory
A hub for low energy nuclear physics

Edwards Accelerator Laboratory

The John E. Edwards Accelerator Laboratory provides ion beams and the associated detection equipment for the study of nuclear reactions of interest for nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, materials science, inertial confinement fusion, nuclear energy, homeland security, and other applications. This research is performed by Ohio University students, faculty, and staff, as well users from other universities and laboratories.

The Edwards Accelerator Laboratory is a unique national facility. The combination of continuous and mono-energetic neutrons together with a well-shielded 30-meter flight path does not exist anywhere else in North America.

The education and training of undergraduate and graduate students is a fundamental mission of the laboratory. Physics and Astronomy majors utilize the accelerator in the required advanced undergraduate laboratory course and have the opportunity work in the laboratory, including summer research and honors thesis research. Much of the research in the laboratory is carried out by graduate students working towards M.S. and Ph.D. degrees.

The Edwards Accelerator Laboratory is managed by the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Arts & Sciences and is also a part of the Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics (opens in a new window) (INPP). For a complete roster of students, faculty, and staff working in the area of nuclear physics, and descriptions of their research, please visit the INPP website (opens in a new window).


Education and Outreach

The Edwards Accelerator Laboratory is committed to education and outreach, both within Ohio University and the greater community.

Tours of the facility can be arranged for university, K-12, and community groups. Please contact the lab director at

Prospective undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to visit the laboratory. It is suggested that prospective students coordinate their visit through the Department of Physics and Astronomy (opens in a new window). Please mention your interest in touring the Edwards Accelerator Laboratory.

The laboratory provides an ideal venue for fulfilling the requirements of the Boy Scout Merit Badge in Nuclear Science (opens in a new window). Professor Carl Brune is a qualified counselor for the merit badge, and several scouts have earned this badge in the laboratory.