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Supporting English students and faculty

Giving Opportunities in the English Department

The English Department's current fundraising priorities include:

  • Support for the Spring Literary Festival and the New Ohio Review magazine, heightening the status of the department while providing hands-on opportunities for our students to engage with authors and writers, and participate in research.
  • Funds to support our faculty and students in research and writing.
  • Support for a visiting professor

Below is a list of current funds you can support today with an online gift.

General Support

English Department General Support Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Provides broad support for the department's most pressing needs.

The Shakespeare Endowment (opens in a new window)

  • Ensures that the study of Shakespeare remains a vital experience for Ohio University students.

John W. Hollow Memorial Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Provides funding for the English Department to invite an important figure in literary studies to campus for a lecture and meeting with faculty and students.

New Ohio Review (opens in a new window)

  • Supports activities associated with the New Ohio Review magazine.

Quarter After Eight Literary Journal Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Provides support to produce the Quarter After Eight literary journal.

Undergraduate Student Support

The Hollis Summers Award in English (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship awarded to full-time undergraduate students majoring in any area within the Department of English.

Virginia Knecht Memorial Scholarship Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship awarded to students majoring in English, who are residents of Athens County, Ohio.

Anthony DeJovine Memorial Scholarship Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship awarded to an incoming Ohio University freshman student intending to major in English Education.

The Bernice G. Essig Scholarship in English (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship awarded to Ohio Residents majoring in English.

Dean McWilliams Memorial Scholarship (opens in a new window)

  • Provides scholarship for students majoring in English.

Dean McWilliams Memorial Travel Scholarship (opens in a new window)

  • Awarded to offset study abroad travel expenses for students with either a major or minor in English.

The Lillias Young Swardson Scholarship (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship awarded to students enrolled in the Honors Tutorial College, who major in English.

Joyce R. Durham Scholarship Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Provides scholarships to English majors who are entering their senior year.

Dr. Joyce R. Dunham Essay Contest in Literature (opens in a new window)

  • Essay contest providing an undergraduate English major with an opportunity to earn scholarship.

Maria Grover Cherrington Scholarship Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship providing support to undergraduate students majoring in English.

Edgar Whan Scholarship in English (opens in a new window)

  • Provides scholarships for students who are enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Graduate Student Support

The Dr. Joseph Bunn Heidler Memorial Fund (opens in a new window)

  • Fund awarded to a graduate student in the Department of English as an aid to student for doing graduate research.

Susan Crowl Graduate Endowment (opens in a new window)

  • Aids graduate students In the English Department by supporting travel and research expenses.

The Nancy Jones Roe and Robert T. Roe Endowment for Graduate Studies in the Department of English (opens in a new window)

  • Supports activities in the English Department that directly benefit graduate students

The Earl C. and Margaret S. Shively Scholarship (opens in a new window)

  • Awarded to graduate students whose major area of study is English literature.

Philip and Kathleen Emily Tice Award in Critical Writing (opens in a new window)

  • Scholarship earned by an M.A or Ph.D. graduate student focusing on critical writing.

Faculty Support

Samuel and Susan Crowl Professorship in English (opens in a new window)

  • Provides professorship to tenured members of the literature facility in the Department of English.

The Stocker Professorship in Creative Writing (opens in a new window)

  • Professorship recognizing an outstanding creative writing professor in the English Department.

Contact Us

If you have questions about giving or if you have interest in establishing a new fund, please contact:

Amanda Blake
Director of Development