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Center for Law, Justice & Culture Advisory Boards

External Board of Academic Advisers

The following scholars from North America's leading programs serve in an advisory capacity in the establishment and development of a center and certificate dedicated to the study of law and society.

Dr. Katherine Beckett (opens in a new window)
Professor of Sociology
University of Washington

Dr. Annie Bunting (opens in a new window)
Associate Professor in Law & Society
York University

Dr. Carol Greenhouse (opens in a new window)
Professor and Chair of Department of Anthropology
Princeton University

Dr. Michael McCann (opens in a new window)
Professor of Political Science
Director of the Comparative Law & Society Studies Center
Gordan Hirabayshi Professor for the Advancement of Citizenship
University of Washington

Dr. Austin Sarat (opens in a new window)
William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence & Political Science
Five College Fortieth Anniversary Professor
Amherst College

Dr. Jonathan Simon (opens in a new window)
Professor of Law
Associate Dean of the Jurisprudence & Social Policy Program
Co-Chair, Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice
University of California, Berkeley

Alumni and Friends Advisory Board

In our efforts to build and expand center resources, the center looks forward to the establishment of an advisory board of alumni and friends. This committee will assist the center in local, regional, national and international outreach; serve as a speakers resource, pulling from a broad Ohio University legal and professional community; and help build a competitive and meaningful student internship program.