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Doctoral dissertations by English Ph.D. Students


Yavanna Brownlee, 2018: "Decolonizing Composition & Rhetoric Programs: An Indigenous Rhetorics Model for Implementing Concepts of Relationship and Integrating Marginalized Rhetorics"

Cactus May, 2018: ?Between the Lines: Writing Ethics Pedagogy?

Talitha May, 2018: "Writing the Apocalypse: Pedagogy at the End of the World"


Rachael Ryerson, 2017: ?Queering Composition Pedagogy: A Multimodal Archive of Composing Queer(ly) in the Writing Classroom?


Hillery Glasby, 2016: ?Pedagogies and Politics of Queer Doing and Being in the Writing Classroom: Finding Out About Rhetoric and Composition?s LGBTQ Student-Writers?


Atreyee Gohain, Literature, ?Where the Global Meets the Local: Female Mobility in South Asian Women?s Fiction in India and the U.S.?

Sarah Green, Creative Writing, ?Earth Science?

Amanda Hayes, Rhetoric/Composition, ?You?uns: Toward Appalachian Rhetorical Sovereignty?

James Miranda, Creative Writing, ?Step Right Up?

Matthew Nunes, Rhetoric/Composition, ?The Theme System: Current-Traditionalism, Writing Assignments, and the Development of First-Year Composition?

Matthew Vetter, Rhetoric/Composition, ?Teaching Wikipedia: The Pedagogy and Politics of an Open Access Writing Community?


Jolynn Baldwin, Creative Writing, ?The Secrets We Hide?

Marlene De La Cruz-Guzman, Literature, ?Of Masquerading and Weaving Tales of Empowerment: Gender, Composite Consciousness, and Culture-Specificity in the Early Novels of Sefi Atta and Laila Lalami?

Dustin Faulstick, Literature, ?`Nothing New Under the Sun?: Ecclesiastes and theTwentieth-Century-US-Literary Imagination?

Kelly Ferguson, Creative Writing, ?What Are You Going to do With the Rest of Your Life??

Lana Oweidat, Rhetoric and Composition, ?Disrupting the Western Gaze: An Arab-Islamic Intervention in Rhetoric and Composition Studies?

John Whicker, Rhetoric and Composition, ?Object Oriented Writing Theory: Writers, Texts, Ecologies?


Aaron LaDuke, Literature, ?Gothic Trends in Contemporary Great Plains Literature?

Steve Coughlin, Creative Writing, Another City

Craig Meyer, Rhetoric and Composition, ?Infusing Dysfluency into Rhetoric and Composition: Overcoming the Stutter?


David Fritts, Literature, ?The Warrior Gets Married: Constructing the Masculine Hero in Beowulf and Chretien de Troyes? Erec et Enid?

Bishnu Ghimire, Literature, "Imagining India from the Margins: Liberalism and Hybridity in Late Colonial India"

Melanie Lee, Rhetoric and Composition, "Reconceptualizing Masculinized L/logos, Re(Image)ining the Rhetorical Feminine in Composition"

Geri Lipschultz, Creative Writing, ?Grace Before the Fall?

Lydia McDermott, Rhetoric and Composition, ?Sonogram: A Rhetoric of Echo-Location?

Christopher Sims, Literature, "Technology Anxiety in British and American Science Fiction: Artificial Intelligences as Catalysts for Ontological Awakening"

Alison Stine, Creative Writing, "Rest Belt Blues"


Lawrence Beemer, Literature, "'American Superhero Comics: Fractal Narrative and the New Deal"

Jackson Connor, Creative Writing, "And the Mountains Shall Labor And Bring Forth. . ."

Brian Elliot, Literature, "'Messengers of Justice and of Wrath': The Captivity-Revenge Cycle in the American Frontier Romance"

Kathryn Nuernberger, Creative Writing, "Rag and Bone: Poem"

Joe Plicka, Creative Writing, "'Stories for the Mongrel Heart"

Todd Snyder, Rhetoric and Composition, "'The Hillbilly Speaks of Rhetoric: Critical Theory, Composition Pedagogy, and the Appalachian Region"


Jaswinder Bolina, Creative Writing, "O, Enduring Sun"

John Borczon, Rhetoric and Composition, "Learning and Transformation: How Students and Teachers Define and Shape Each Other in the Classroom and in Pedagogic Literature"

Rachel Burgess, Creative Writing, "Dementure"

Brandy Bagar Fraley, Literature, "From Dissection to Connection: The Preservative Power of the Empathetic Gaze in Romantic Literature"

Megan Marie Lobsinger, Creative Writing, "The Last Chance Texaco"

Melissa Parlin, Literature, "Great Resolve Comes Flashing Thro' the Gloom": How Julia Margaret Cameron's Writings and Photographic Legacy Illuminate a Resilient Vision of Victorian Women"

Nathan Shepley, Rhetoric and Composition, "Composition at the ?Harvard on the Hocking?: Rhetoricizing Place and History"

Paul Shovlin, Rhetoric and Composition, "Writing Bytes: Articulating a Techno-critical Pedagogy"

Megan Titus, Rhetoric and Composition, "Surfacing Teacher and Student Voices: The Implications of Teaching Practices for Students? Attitudes toward Revision"

David Wanczyk, Creative Writing, "Collation: Essays"


Iver Arnegard, Creative Writing, "Farland"

Lisa J. Cunningham, Literature, "Correcting Arthur Munby: Philanthropy and Disfigurement in Victorian England"

Don Dudding, Rhetoric and Composition, "Between Saints and Snakes: Explicating the Historical, Philosophical, and Theoretical Foundations of Rhetorical Authority?

Gwen Hart, Rhetoric and Composition, "Composing Metaphors: Metaphors for Writing in the Composition Classroom"

Rachael Peckham, Creative Writing, "Where the Watchers Wait"


John Michael Drew, Literature, "Shakespear and the Language of Doubt"

Kelley Evans, Rhetoric and Composition, "Body Composition"

Talinn Philips, Rhetoric and Composition, "Examining Bridges, Expanding Boundaries, Imagining New Identities: The Writing Center as Bridge for Second Language Graduate Writers"

Matthew Stallard, Literature, "John Milton?s Bible: Scriptural Resonance in Paradise Lost"

Sherman Sutherland, Creative Writing, "Diary of the Coolville Killer: Reflections on the Bush Years, Rendered in Fictional Prose"


Carl Boon, "Torque and Ideology: Ron Silliman's Alphabet"

Michelle Disler, Creative Writing, "Archipelago"

Anna Dzirkalis, Literature, "Investigating the Female Detective: Gender Paradoxes in Popular British Mystery Fiction, 1864?1930"

Carrie Oeding, Creative Writing, "Nobody Knows What to Say"

Michael C. Ryan, Literature, "From the Wilderness Act to The Monkey Wrench Gang: Seeking Wild Nature in American Environmental Writing, 1964-1975"


Nathan Anderson , Creative Writing: Poetry, "I Don't Think I'm Right in There"

Jeffrey Hanson, Creative Writing: Poetry, "Saving Appearances"

Hayley Haugen, Literature, "Writing the 'Self-Determined' Life: Representing the Self in Disability Narratives by Leonard Kriegel and Nancy Mairs"

Jennifer Pauley-Gose, Literature, "Imperial Scaffolding: The Indian Mutiny of 1857, the Mutiny Novel, and the Performance of British Power"

Eleanor (Elly) Williams, Creative Writing: Fiction, "The Divine and Miss Johanna"


David Bruzina, Creative Writing: Poetry, "Working Title "

Kelly Kinney, Rhetoric and Composition, "A Political Administration: Political Pedagogy, Institutional Location, and Teaching Assistant Preparation"

Lisa Stein, Literature, "The Travel Narrative as Spin: My Trip Abroad and 'A Comedian Sees the World'"

John Pruitt, Literature, "British Drama Museums: History, Heritage, and Nation in Collections of Dramatic Literature 1647-1814 "


Elaine Arvan-Andrews, Literature, "The Physiognomy of Fashion: Faces, Dress, and the Self in the Juvenilia and Novels of Charlotte Bronte"

Patrick Madden, Creative Writing: Nonfiction, "Uruguary"

Desirae Matherly Martin, Creative Writing: Nonfiction, "Aggregaria"


Scott Gallagher, Creative Writing: Fiction, "Do As I Say, Not As I Do"

Tony Viola, Creative Writing: Fiction, "It Used to Mean Something to Be Italian"

Candace Stewart, Rhetoric and Composition, "(Re) Imagining the Person (al): A History of Composition's Scholarly Representations of the Self, 1980-2002"

Christina Fisanick, Rhetoric and Composition, "The Embodied Pedagogue: Teaching and Writing with the Body"


Shannon Lakanen, Creative Writing: Nonfiction, "Residues"

Tom Conroy, Creative Writing: Fiction, "All of Us Lovers"

Christy Veladota, Creative Writing: Poetry, "Dual"

James Wells, Literature, "Shakespeare's Play of Paradox: Body and Character in Drama"


Neil Browne, Literature, "Nature Writing as Experience: Pragmatist Literary Ecology and Twentieth Century American Nature Writing"

Eric Schwerer, Creative Writing: Poetry, "It Isn't Like This: Accessible World, Attended Ontologies, & Selected Poems"

Michael Danko, Creative Writing: Nonfiction, "Educations"

Sachi Nakachi, Literature, "Mixed-Race Identity Politics in Nella Larsen and Winnifred Eaton (Onoto Watanna)"


Corey Andrews, Literature, "Paradox and Improvement: Literary Nationalism in Eighteenth-Century Scottish Club Poetry"

Tom Noyes, Creative Writing:Fiction, "In-Between Places: Stories"


John Gallaher, Creative Writing: Poetry, "Of Mid & Air"

Tracie Church Guzzio, Literature, "'All Stories Are True': John Edgar Wideman's Responses to History"

Mimi Hart, Ph.D., Literature, "Hardly an Innocent Diversion: Music in the Life and Writings of Jane Austen"

Abdul-Qader A. Khattab, Literature, "Encountering the Non-Western Other in Laurence Durrell's The Alexandria Quartet"

Patrick Smith, Literature, "'In My Own Memory, Time Has Never Stopped': Essays on Jim Harrison's Fiction"

Elizabeth Wallace, Literature, "Effecting the Fall of an Icon: Shakespeare's Use of Argument in Constructing the Leader/Orator"