Graduate Chemistry Progress Toward Degree Expectations
Satisfactory semester and yearly progress is expected of all graduate students in the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department. Only with satisfactory progress will it be possible to complete a Ph.D. (or M.S.) degree before reaching the university- and college-imposed term limits regarding tuition support. Criteria necessary to successfully complete a degree are detailed elsewhere in the Graduate Requirements document (website) and are not affected by the term-limit rules.
In addition to satisfying the curricular requirements, satisfactory progress will minimally require that the student:
- Work on thesis/dissertation project during registered semesters as directed by adviser.
- Work on thesis/dissertation project during breaks, intercessions and non-registered semesters as directed by adviser.
- Obtain prior approval from the Graduate Chair for time off during registered semesters. The Graduate Chair will confer with the student?s adviser and other affected faculty).
- Obtain prior approval from adviser for time off during winter intercession or other breaks between semesters. (NOTE: International students may need additional approvals depending on their visa and should consult with the Graduate Chair and International Student Services).