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History Majors Study the Past to Understand the Future

History Majors Study the Past to Understand the Future

Studying history is like having your own time machine. You can delve deeply into the past or go back just a few decades for a closer look at the actors reshaping our modern world. 

As a history major, you'll explore a world stage where individual dramas tell the tales of the birth and death of nations, the struggles of freedom and oppression.

But historians don't just study the past. By exploring the choices, limitations, achievements and failures of past peoples, history majors better understand the creation of the present and appreciate options for the future.

Choose What You Want to Learn

  • History B.A.

    The Bachelor of Arts in History program prepares you for successful careers in business, government service, publishing, teaching, consulting, medicine, law, museum work, and more.

  • History Pre-Law B.A.

    History's emphasis on reading and interpreting evidence, appreciating context, and writing makes it an ideal major for students preparing for law school.

  • Honors Tutorial College History Major

    The Honors Tutorial College offers a B.A. in History that provides unique opportunities for exceptional students. At the heart of the program is the tutorial, in which the student studies selected material under the guidance of a faculty member acting as tutor.

  • History Minor

    A history minor is an excellent choice for students looking to supplement their primary fields of study with historical context or who just have a passion for history.

Choose Where You Want to Learn

What Can You Do with a History Degree?

Only a small percentage of history majors go on to become "historians." Most pursue successful careers as lawyers, businesspersons, politicians, writers, researchers, librarians, archivists, and even entertainers.

They become leaders in their fields and point to their training as history majors as the starting point for their success. That's because a history degree allows you to explore different cultures and develop analytical abilities necessary for succeeding in our increasingly globalized society.

History Careers & Internships

Post-Grad Opportunities for History Majors

After earning their bachelor's degrees in history, some students proceed to graduate school at Ohio University or elsewhere. Our undergraduate programs will prepare you for the rigors and rewards of law school or a history master's degree program. We also offer a Ph.D. in History for students who have earned a master's degree.

At OHIO, we offer an M.A. in History with three options: a thesis track, a non-thesis track, and an Applied History Field track.

For students interested in law school, OHIO has a Pre-Law Advising Center and hosts a Law Day, several mock trial teams, and more.

Prepare for Graduate School

Get Hands-On Experience with Your History Degree

Our history program provides important experiential learning opportunities for students. What you learn in the class is also valuable and applicable in the field, so you’ll get the chance to participate in research projects, internships, and more.

  • Conduct Research in History

    All undergraduate History majors are required to complete the department's research and writing methods course (HIST 3111J) and produce a research paper based on primary-source investigation.

  • Present at the Undergraduate History Conference

    Students can choose to present their papers each spring at the Undergraduate History Conference, a formal, day-long conference organized by the History Department. Students also have the opportunity to present their research at the Student Expo

  • Add a History Internship to Your Resume

    One of the best ways for history students to prepare for the work world and earn credit is to complete an internship. Find an internship opportunity locally, nationally or even internationally.

  • Study Abroad with OHIO Faculty

    Some history majors consider traveling abroad for a semester, spring break, or during the summer. Many programs include historical content that can transfer back for credit in the major.

  • Join the Ohio University History Association

    The Ohio University History Association is open to all students with an interest in history. The association aims to expand students’ horizons through social and educational activities.

Earn Honors in History

  • Earn History Departmental Honors

    Qualified students have the opportunity to earn Departmental Honors by writing a thesis based on original research during their senior year.

  • Phi Alpha Theta

    The organization is open to all students with an interest in history who meet the following requirements: at least 12 hours in History, 3.1 GPA or higher in History, and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Why Choose a History Degree?

Since the study of history includes discussions of political, economic, social, and cultural issues from around the world, our majors are well prepared for a variety of careers in today’s global economy as analytical, creative, articulate and informed thinkers.

History majors become lawyers, politicians, entrepreneurs, journalists, writers, social workers, and teachers. They work around the world in the Foreign Service, NGOs, international corporations and governmental agencies, in the armed forces and in education. Studying history not only prepares students for these professions, it also prepares them for life-long learning.

Mentoring and Advising for History Students

The full-time faculty guiding you through the program are nationally and internationally recognized for their research stretching in time from Antiquity through the 20th century. First and foremost, however, they are teachers, and the department is acclaimed on campus for excellence in undergraduate instruction in U.S., European, Middle Eastern, Latin American, African and Asian history. Students choose from a variety of courses in these areas and may develop independent studies and research internships with faculty as well. Some students elect to research and write an honors thesis in their senior year.

History majors have dedicated faculty mentors who are available to coach them through course selection, applying for internships, scholarships, prizes, and graduate school. Faculty mentors aim to help the history majors make the most of their academic experience. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their mentors regularly and to integrate themselves into a vibrant community of learning.

The Honors Tutorial College program in History (opens in a new window) also offers exceptional students the opportunity to study the many aspects of History in one-on-one relationships with History faculty members. Students will receive a degree of Bachelor of Arts in History from the Honors Tutorial College.

Undergraduate Advising and Student Affairs

Of course, Ohio University gives you tools to ensure you succeed, ranging from success advisors and department mentors who help you graduate on time to undergraduate-specific scholarships and financial aid opportunities.

Undergraduate students should contact Undergraduate Advising and Student Affairs for advising support, such as: class registration, adding and dropping classes, changing majors, adding minors and certificates, Guarantee+, and graduation checks.

Contact a Success Advisor