Biological Sciences Facilities & Resources
Special research facilities available for Biological Sciences researchers include:
- Mass spectrophotometry facilities
- Laser scanning confocal microscopy facility, a 3-D imaging and image analysis facility that includes a Zeiss LSM 510 laser scanning confocal microscope system
- Electron microscopy facility
- Genomics Facility (opens in a new window)
- MicroCt Facility (opens in a new window)
- Ridges Land Lab (opens in a new window)
- AAALAC-accredited animal holding facilities for terrestrial and aquatic animals
- 15,000-specimen vertebrate collection
- Extensive Entomology Collection with close to 100,000 specimens
- Six temperature-controlled environmental chambers
Life Sciences Building
The Life Sciences Building houses faculty, graduate students, and generous research facilities. Faculty have individual labs, but the design is open, allowing researchers to move easily between labs and facilitating interaction and collaboration. For instance, one set of labs is combined to make a 7,500 square foot comparative functional morphology complex. The Life Sciences Building also includes temperature controlled rooms and other spaces for experiments and animal housing.
About Research Facilities & Resources
Research in the Biological Sciences is facilitated by several modern research facilities, including the new Life Sciences Building. Ohio University also maintains a 682-acre land lab adjacent to the campus that is available for both teaching and research.
Special research facilities available to students include exercise and metabolic physiology facilities, a transgenic mouse facility, a hybridoma facility, a molecular genetics laboratory with computer-assisted DNA, RNA, and protein sequencing facilities, an NMR facility, and mass spectrophotometry facilities. Advanced computing facilities are available including the Quantitative Biology Institute.
Animal holding facilities are available for ectothermic and endothermic animals, including aquatic animal holdings. The Biological Sciences Department maintains a 15,000-specimen vertebrate collection.
The Alden Library has approximately 1.1 million volumes and receives more than 1,000 biological and biomedical journals. Access to other Ohio universities collections are also available through the OhioLink library system.