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University Success Pathway Program

Part-Time OPIE English Studies and Part-Time Academic Classes

In the University Success Pathway Program, undergraduate students admitted to Ohio University can get a head-start on their degrees by taking their first academic classes while completing their English-language studies. 

Coursework is part-time OPIE English courses and part-time academic courses, with two levels depending on test scores.

Earning Admission to Ohio University: Students who successfully complete Pathway Level 2 by earning the required grades are fully admitted to Ohio University to study for the undergraduate degree of their choice. No test scores are required! 

In Pathway English classes, teachers use concepts, vocabulary, and experiences from Ohio University academic classes to support students in developing their English skills. This way, Pathway students will be supported as they transition from language study to full-time academic study.

U.S. Pathway students will…

  • Be supported in their transition from English studies to their degree program at Ohio University.
  • Receive language training, academic support, and cross-cultural guidance.
  • Be introduced to Ohio University and the local Athens community.
  • Earn up to 20 credit hours toward a bachelor’s degree from Ohio University.

How to Apply

About Undergraduate Admission to Ohio University: Undergraduate students who are conditionally admitted to Ohio University are given an Institutional TOEFL exam (ITP) and writing or composition test upon arrival. Students are eligible to begin full-time academic study if they score 520 (Business students: 525) or above with a writing score of 5 or above. If scores are lower, students are placed into either this Full-Time English Program with OPIE for full-time English instruction or the University Success Pathway Program, which includes English classes and academic classes.

Note: If you want to study Intensive English only, you should apply for “OPIE Only” student status. The only entry requirement is that you have a high school diploma. “OPIE Only” student status is best for students who are not interested in a degree program at Ohio University or who are unsure of the program they would like to enter. Apply for English-only study with the Ohio Program of Intensive English online application (opens in a new window).

U.S. Success Pathway Program Coursework

Pathway English classes are designed to provide specific support for the academic classes Pathway students are taking. Pathway teachers will provide support in the following ways:

  • Attending the academic classes and reading the textbooks
  • Answering students’ questions about what they are learning in the academic classes
  • Using textbooks from the academic classes for reading assignments
  • Using topics from the academic classes for writing assignments
  • Using vocabulary from the academic classes for vocabulary lists and quizzes
  • Previewing and reviewing ideas from the academic classes
  • Helping students learn how to interact with professors in class and during office hours
  • Helping students learn how to interact with American classmates in group work and class discussions

U.S. Pathway Level 1

12 hours of English per week

Eight-hour combined skill courses prepare students for success in American university classes by developing needed language, study, and academic performance skills through a variety of reading, writing, listening, speaking, thinking, and problem-solving activities.

Students also take a four-hour grammar skills course.

  • OPIE D960: English for Academic Purposes (8 hours per week)
  • OPIE D804: Grammar for Writing (4 hours per week)
  • Academic classes (6-8 hours per week)

U.S. Pathway Level 2

8 hours of English per week

  • OPIE D970: English for Academic Purposes (8 hours per week)
  • Academic classes (9-12 hours per week)