Field Ecology Major B.A.

- Preparation for entry-level environmental science jobs immediately after graduation
- Preparation for careers in environmental monitoring, rare-plant surveys, high school teaching, project management for nonprofit organizations, park management, tree care
- Marketable skills in plant identification, vegetation survey techniques, and GIS
- Internship or undergraduate research
Faculty Contact: Dr. Glenn Matlack
Program Overview
The B.A. degree in field ecology is designed for students interested in the plant sciences and who desire a broad liberal education.
In addition to providing a strong background in field ecology, the program offers students experience in a variety of marketable skills, including plant identification, vegetation survey techniques, and GIS.
The flexibility in this program allows for either a minor or second major in another discipline, such as economics, business administration, computer science, anthropology, sociology, geography, geological sciences, or biological sciences.
The program prepares students for entry-level environmental science jobs immediately after graduation.
Graduates have jobs in environmental monitoring, rare-plant surveys, high school teaching, project management for nonprofit organizations, park management, and tree care.
Students are strongly encouraged to select the internship option, in order to enhance job prospects. Listings of internship opportunities can be found at the following websites:
- OHIO Plant Biology Internship Program
- The Student Conservation Association (opens in a new window)
- Americorps (opens in a new window)
- Society for Conservation Biology (opens in a new window)
- Ecological Society of America Physiological Ecology Section Staff & Technician Positions (opens in a new window)
- Ecological Society of America Physiological Ecology Section Summer Jobs & Internships (opens in a new window)
Browse through dozens of Internship opportunities and full-time job postings for Ohio University students and alumni on Handshake (opens in a new window), OHIO's key resource for researching jobs, employers, workshops, and professional development events.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Change of Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.
External Transfer Admission: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Degree Requirements
- Sample 4-Year Program [PDF] (opens in a new window)
- Major code BA2119
University-wide Graduation Requirements
Ohio University requires completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours for conferral of a bachelor’s degree. However, the Field Ecology major requires completion of a minimum of 121 hours.
College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & Sciences
View the College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & Sciences. (opens in a new window)
Environmental & Plant Biology Hours Requirement
Complete a total of 48 semester hours of PBIO coursework (excluding PBIO 2170, PBIO 2200, PBIO 2250, and PBIO 2840), including all of the requirements below.
Plant Biology Requirements
Complete the following courses:
- PBIO 1140 - Foundations of Plant Biology Credit Hours: 4
- PBIO 1150 - Plant Structure and Development Credit Hours: 4
- PBIO 2090 - Plant Ecology Credit Hours: 3
- PBIO 3300 - Plant Genetics Credit Hours: 3
- PBIO 3080 - Structural Botany Credit Hours: 4
Plant Physiology
Complete one of the following courses:
- PBIO 3240 - Plant Physiology Credit Hours: 3
- PBIO 3260 - Physiological Plant Ecology Credit Hours: 4
PBIO Professional Skills
Complete the following courses:
- PBIO 2180 Intro to Research and Writing
- PBIO 3150 - Statistical Methods in Plant Biology Credit Hours: 4
- PBIO 4170 - Biological Research and Science Ethics Credit Hours: 1
PBIO Research
Complete one of the following for a minimum of 2 hours:
- PBIO 4910 - Internship Credit Hours: 1.0-15.0
- PBIO 4940 - Undergraduate Research Credit Hours: 1.0-4.0
- PBIO 4941 - Undergraduate Research/Written Presentation Credit Hours: 1.0-4.0
PBIO Specialty Courses
Complete one of the following:
- PBIO 2480 Dendrology: a study of trees, shrubs, and lianans Credit Hours: 3
- PBIO 3190 - Ohio Flora Credit Hours: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
- PBIO 4350 - Plant Population Biology and Community Ecology Credit Hours: 4
- PBIO 4380 - Soil Properties and Ecosystem Processes Credit Hours: 4
PBIO Electives
Complete three additional PBIO courses at the 2000 level or higher (excluding PBIO 2170, 2200, 2250, 2840, 4910, 4940, 4941).
Extra-Departmental Requirements
Biological Sciences
Complete one of the following courses:
- BIOS 3160 - Biogeography Credit Hours: 3
- BIOS 3220 - General Microbiology Credit Hours: 3
- and
- BIOS 3225 - General Microbiology Laboratory Credit Hours: 2
- BIOS 3760 - Field Ecology Credit Hours: 3
- BIOS 4290 - Marine Biology Credit Hours: 3
- BIOS 4310 - Aquatic Biology Credit Hours: 4
- BIOS 4360 - Field Entomology Credit Hours: 3
- BIOS 4650 - Ichthyology Credit Hours: 4
- BIOS 4710 - Ornithology Credit Hours: 4
- BIOS 4720 - Herpetology Credit Hours: 4
- BIOS 4740 - Mammalogy Credit Hours: 4
Complete the following courses:
- CHEM 1210 - Principles of Chemistry I Credit Hours: 4
- CHEM 1220 - Principles of Chemistry II Credit Hours: 4
Geography or Geology
Complete one of the following courses:
- GEOG 2680 - Introduction to GIS and Mapping Sciences Credit Hours: 4
- GEOG 3020 - Climatology Credit Hours: 4
- GEOL 2110 - Introductory Oceanography Credit Hours: 3
- GEOL 2150 - Environmental Geology Credit Hours: 3
- GEOL 2310 - Water and Pollution Credit Hours: 3
- GEOL 2550 - Historical Geology Credit Hours: 3
Complete the following course:
- MATH 1300 - Pre-Calculus Credit Hours: 4