BSN Program Overview

Traditional BSN Program

Students seeking admission to the Ohio University School of Nursing traditional (on-campus) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) major, first apply to Ohio University as Pre-BSN major (ND1220) and complete prerequisite courses. Acceptance into the Pre-BSN program is selective. During spring semester students meeting all requirements apply for consideration for selection to the BSN program (BS1221). 

The traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (BSN) provides students with on-campus classroom lectures, simulation, and lab activities as well as clinical experiences. The BSN program (BS1221) is offered on the Athens, Chillicothe, Eastern, Lancaster, Southern, and Zanesville campuses with clinical experiences occurring in hospitals and clinical agencies in the region. Please note that students selected for the BSN program will need to provide their own transportation to clinical sites, and some locations may be approximately an hour-long drive from campus. Please view the BSN Curriculum.

BSN Classroom and Clinical Experiences

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program prepares students in the science and principles of nursing to provide care for individuals, families, and populations within complex health-care systems. Students learn through a combination of classroom, laboratory and supervised clinical instruction and graduate with the competencies to provide evidence-based practice care as a registered nurse.

The BSN program (BS1221) is offered on the Athens, Chillicothe, Eastern, Lancaster, Southern, and Zanesville campuses with clinical experiences occurring in hospitals and clinical agencies in the region. Please note that students selected for the BSN program will need to provide their own transportation to clinical sites, and some locations may be approximately an hour-long drive from campus.

Chillicothe Campus Program

Eastern Campus Program

Lancaster Campus Program

Southern Campus Program

Zanesville Campus Program

Students seeking admission to the traditional BSN program first apply to Ohio University as Pre-BSN majors (ND1220) and complete prerequisite courses. Acceptance into the Pre-BSN program is selective. During spring semester, students meeting all requirements apply for consideration for selection to the BSN program (BS1221). 

To be considered for selection into the BSN program, specified documents as determined by the School of Nursing must be in the student’s application file in the respective School of Nursing office on the date/time indicated by each campus. The School of Nursing will provide information to students about all aspects of the selection process in a timely manner. 

Properly completed application files which meet the established requirements will be reviewed by a School of Nursing selection committee during spring semester. Final selection will occur after spring semester grades are released, and students will be notified of the committee’s decision as soon as all grades have been verified. The selected group of students will start the BSN program the following fall semester. Graduates of the BSN program will be eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensing Exam for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN).

BSN Program Semester Plan* with Credit and Clock Hours Distribution (opens in a new window)

*Please consult a School of Nursing academic advisor with any questions regarding course selection to ensure that all School of Nursing BSN program requirements and Ohio University general education course requirements are being met.