CC+ Zanesville Campus Resources
Ohio University's Zanesville is pleased to offer College Credit Plus opportunities. All interested students are encouraged to apply. The admission process for the College Credit Plus (CC+) program on any of Ohio University's regional campuses is modeled on our review process in place for degree-seeking freshman enrollment.
Admission Requirements
Successful applicants to any of Ohio University's regional campuses must be remediation-free and demonstrate a strong academic preparation to succeed in college-level coursework. For details regarding admission guidelines and remediation-free standards/placement testing, please visit:
Admission Guidelines or Placement Testing
For instructions on how to submit the College Credit Plus application and corresponding application deadlines, please visit:
Application Procedures and Deadlines
Upon acceptance to the CC+ program, students will be prompted to register for CC+ Orientation. Attendance at CC+ Orientation is only required for students who plan to enroll in courses on campus. If the student is planning to enroll in OHIO CC+ courses taught at the high school, information about CC+ course scheduling will be available at the school.
Orientation Dates
Summer II and Fall 2025 orientation dates coming soon.
Academic Advising
During orientation, students will learn about the College Credit Plus program, resources available for students in the program, and more. Once the orientation has concluded students will schedule a one-on-one academic advising meeting, either in person or remotely, to select classes for the upcoming semester. Students are encouraged to work with their high school counselor PRIOR to attending orientation so they understand their remaining high school graduation requirements and enrollment guidelines from the high school perspective.
Library Services
Zanesville Campus Library
The Zanesville Campus Library in Herrold Hall is a welcoming space for reading, studying or working in groups. CC+ students have access to millions of resources through online and on-campus tools. Library staff are available to help CC+ students find what they’re looking for, whether it’s peer-reviewed journal articles, course reserves or help with research. The library also offers affordable copying and printing, access to computers and study spaces.
- Find books for your course assignments or research in ALICE or OhioLINK
- Check Course Reserves for assigned class readings
- Find journal articles for your research papers and projects
- Learn how to conduct research successfully by completing INFOhio’s Research 4 Success (R4S) modules
- Need help? Visit or contact the Zanesville Campus Library or contact the general help desk (via chat, text, email or phone)
- To request help with research projects, contact the contact subject librarian for your class to schedule an appointment (online or in-person)
- Use library computers for papers, projects or to access special software
- Use our printers to print, copy and scan
- Learn how to print from your personal computer or device
Study Spaces
- Check out the library hours
- Reserve a study room by calling 740.588.1408 or requesting space at the service desk
- Find your new favorite place to study or take a break
Campus Tutoring Services
A variety of tutoring options are available to CC+ students. Times, hours and options are updated each semester. Please visit the Tutoring Center website (opens in a new window) for up-to-date information.
Helpful Campus Information
Please note: All links open in a new tab.
- The registrar's How to Register for Classes website (opens in a new window)
- Student Success website
- Student Accessibility Services
Jason Howard
Director of Student Services
Office of Student Services
1425 Newark Road
Zanesville OH 43701