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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Nursing is a profession dedicated to caring. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program prepares students in the science and principles of nursing to provide care for individuals, families, and populations within complex health care systems. Students learn through a combination of classroom, laboratory, and supervised clinical instruction and graduate with the competencies to provide evidence-based practice care as a generalist nurse. 

All five of Ohio University's regional campuses and the Athens residential campus offer BSN programs. Clinical experiences occur in hospitals and clinical agencies near each campus.

Students seeking admission to the Ohio University School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) major first apply to Ohio University as Pre-BSN major (ND1220) and complete prerequisite courses. Acceptance into the Pre-BSN program is selective. During spring semester, students meeting all requirements apply for consideration for selection to the BSN program (BS1221). Graduates of the BSN program will be eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensing Exam for registered nurses (NCLEX-RN).

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Best Nursing School in Ohio, #9 Nationwide (Niche)
less tuition than comparable local programs*
OHIO Eastern first-year students received financial aid in Fall 2021**
Student to faculty ratio for classroom instruction at OHIO Eastern

Program Admission Requirements

First-Year Students

Requirements for First-Year Applicants to be considered for Pre-BSN

Individuals interested in the BSN program should apply to the pre-BSN major and complete specified prerequisite courses required for the BSN major. Requirements for first-year applicants to be considered for the pre-BSN include:

  • Graduation from high school with a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4-point scale
  • Successful completion of the college preparation program that includes: English (4 units); college-prep mathematics (3 units); social sciences (2 units); biology and chemistry (2 units). Each course is to be completed with a grade of 2.0 (C) or better.
  • Completed application and admission to Ohio University

BSN Admission

Individuals must apply and meet specific School of Nursing requirements to be considered for selective admission into the BSN program. A minimum college GPA of 2.75 and other criteria are required for consideration of admission to the BSN major.  

Admission to the BSN is competitive, and success in the pre-BSN major does not guarantee admission to the BSN program. Potential applicants to the Eastern campus are strongly encouraged to contact Matthew J. Fox, Associate Director of Nursing.

Transfer and Current OHIO Students

Transfer Students

Transfer students from other BSN programs are reviewed individually for admission to the BSN major. Requirements for external transfer applicants to be considered for the pre-BSN include:

  • Overall minimum college grade point average of 2.75 on a 4-point scale
  • Completed application and admission to Ohio University
  • Successful completion of at least 30 credit hours at the undergraduate level. Students seeking transfer to pre-BSN major who do not have at least 30 credit hours at the undergraduate level will follow the same guidelines as incoming freshman.
  • Transfer equivalent of CHEM 1205 and CHEM 1205L (lab), or CHEM 1210, or Math Placement Level 1 or higher

Requirements for Current OHIO Students Requesting to Change their major to Pre-BSN

For information about changing your major, please make an appointment with a School of Nursing academic advisor by contacting the School of Nursing office.

BSN Admission

Individuals must apply and meet specific School of Nursing requirements to be considered for selective admission into the BSN program. A minimum college GPA of 2.75 and other criteria are required for consideration of admission to the BSN major.  

Admission to the BSN is competitive, and success in the pre-BSN major does not guarantee admission to the BSN program. Potential applicants to the Eastern campus are strongly encouraged to contact Matthew J. Fox, Associate Director of Nursing.


    Potential Careers

    Registered nurses are employed in a variety of settings to provide care for individuals, families and populations. Graduates can also enter master's or doctoral programs in nursing, which prepare baccalaureate registered nurses for advanced nursing roles.


    Tuition and Fees

    The OHIO Guarantee takes the guesswork out of budgeting for college and provides a fixed rate table for tuition and most fees for four years (or 12 consecutive semesters). 

    Financial aid for undergraduate students (regardless of discipline) is available in the form of scholarships, grants and student loans.


    West Virginia and Kentucky Residents

    Exploring the Southern or Eastern Campus? Residents of West Virginia can now qualify for in-state tuition. Kentucky residents in nearby counties can qualify for in-state tuition at OHIO Southern or Athens. Access the resources of a large, public university at an affordable, regional campus rate.


    Learning Environment

    Our nursing program provides dedicated learning spaces that include a three-room simulation suite with live streaming capabilities and a six-bed skills lab with mid and high-fidelity manikins. All nursing lab rooms are equipped with hospital beds, vital sign monitors and ECG monitors, and fully functioning suction and oxygen units.

Nursing Degree Courses

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing curriculum includes courses in the sciences, humanities, and human behavior in addition to the nursing courses. Visit the BSN undergraduate catalog page to see the complete major requirements.  

Bachelor of Science in Nursing curriculum

Full Program Details (Academic Catalog Listing) (opens in a new window)

BSN Accreditation Information

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Ohio University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (opens in a new window).

More Accreditation Info

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Contact Us

Matthew J. Fox
Associate Director of Nursing
Associate Professor

* The cost-per-credit hour tuition rates of public institutions within a 30-mile radius of Wheeling, West Virginia were examined. Only institutions offering an on-campus BSN program, like Ohio University Eastern, were considered in this comparison.

2023-24 Ohio University Eastern tuition & fees: $6,178 (annually based on OHIO Guarantee regional campus in-state tuition rates (opens in a new window) with West Virginia reciprocity)
2023-24 Alternative institution nursing tuition & fees: $10,226 (annually)

** Includes scholarships, grants, loans, federal work student and CARES/HEERF funding.