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Testing at Ohio University Eastern

The Testing Center for Ohio University Eastern Campus proctors exams for:

We provide a secure environment for students to complete proctored exams.

Appointments are required.

Schedule Now (opens in a new window)

Students should review Student Guidelines (below) and should consult with their instructor concerning materials permitted during the exam, such as books, notes, calculators, etc. and the deadline for completing the exam.


Instructors can also submit exams to the testing center through the Professor Portal.

Submit an Exam (Instructors) (opens in a new window)

Testing Center Proctor: Brad Cecil


Library, first floor of Shannon Hall
Ohio University Eastern Campus
45425 National Road W.
Saint Clairsville, OH 43950

Hours of Operation

Fall & Spring Semester Regular Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and all University holidays

Exams MUST be completed 10 minutes before noted closing times.

Break Weeks and Summer Semester Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9 am to 5:00 pm

Student Guidelines

  • We appreciate 24 hours notice to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome if seats are available.
  • During finals week, we strongly recommend appointments.
  • Present photo ID and sign-in with proctor. A test cannot be taken without signing in.
  • Refer to professor/instructor information for materials/aids/technology approved for use during the exam. Professor/instructor guidelines prevail.
  • Books, book bags, cell phones, purses, and all personal items must be placed in provided space, unless specified by the instructor.
  • TURN OFF your cell phone, pager, PDA, etc.
  • No headphones, USB devices, iPods, or other electronic devices may be used during testing unless specified by the instructor.
  • No other materials are permitted during testing, ex: calculators, notes, graphs, etc., unless specified by the instructor.
  • PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU ARE BEING MONITORED, either electronically and/or by the proctor. If caught cheating, a copy of the video/computer screen will be provided as proof for your instructor.
  • NO BREAKS are permitted during testing, unless otherwise specified by your instructor. Once you are seated, you are NOT permitted to change seats.
  • QUIET PLEASE - NO TALKING in the testing lab. If you have questions about your test, please make a note on the test itself and ask your instructor later. The Testing Center staff is NOT authorized to answer questions regarding material covered on your exam.
  • When leaving - be sure to see the proctor to turn in your completed test, sign-out, and collect your personal items, etc. If the center is unexpectedly closed (i.e. bad weather or other emergency), please contact the testing center to reschedule your exam.
  • No children are allowed to remain in the testing center lab.
  • Students must arrange make-up exams(s) with their instructor BEFORE contacting the Testing Center.
  • Exams must be completed by the posted closing time; give yourself enough time to complete the exam(s). If you require a 5 minute warning, please inform the proctor of this requirement; we do not like to disturb other students if it is unnecessary.

Academic Misconduct

Dishonesty or deception in fulfilling academic requirements. It includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, unpermitted collaboration, forged attendance (when attendance is required), fabrication (e.g., use of invented information or falsification of research or other findings), using advantages not approved by the instructor (e.g., unauthorized review of a copy of an exam ahead of time), knowingly permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one's work, or submitting the same assignment in different courses without consent of the instructor. Note: An instructor may impose a grade penalty for academic misconduct and/or file a judicial referral to facilitate possible expulsion from the University.

Failure to comply with the policies set by the Testing Center will result in the collection of your test and the incident will be reported to your instructor.