Patton Hall 309H
Perianne R. Bates holds the B.S.Ed. and the M.Ed. in Special Education from Ohio University. An instructor in the Special Education Program of the Teacher Education Department, Bates has practical experience in the public schools educating multicultural learners in the Caribbean, as well as extensive experience working with learners with emotional disorders in the foothills of Appalachia. Her academic and professional interests include co-teaching and collaboration, universally-designed teaching strategies for general educators working in diverse and inclusive classrooms, and social justice through education and advocacy.
Research, Engagement, and Outreach interests: Trauma-Informed Practices; Inclusive Classrooms; Learners with Exceptionalities.
Most Recent Publications:
Leedy, M., Bates, P., & Safran, S. (2004). Bridging the research-to-practice gap: Improving hallway behavior using positive behavior supports. Behavioral Disorders: Journal of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, 29(2), 130-139.