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Gregory D. Foley

Gregory Foley
Morton Professor of Mathematics Education
Teacher Education
Patton Hall 321D

Dr. Greg Foley received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin and the Ph.D. in Mathematics Education also from The University of Texas at Austin. Foley currently serves as the Robert L. Morton Professor of Mathematics Education in The Patton College and has a courtesy appointment in the Department of Mathematics. He has taught basic arithmetic through graduate-level mathematics, as well as undergraduate- and graduate-level education classes. Dr. Foley’s research, curriculum development, and professional development for teachers focus on the mathematical transition from secondary to postsecondary education. His scholarly interests include cognitively demanding tasks, inquiry-based instruction, tools and technology to enhance student construction of knowledge, spatial thinking, quantitative literacy, financial modeling, teacher professional development in statistics and modeling, mathematics language acquisition, mathematical proficiency for teaching, and technological pedagogical mathematical and statistical knowledge.

Research, Engagement, and Outreach interests: Mathematics Education; Quantitative Reasoning; Statistics Education.

Selected Recent Publications:

Alhammouri, A. M., & Foley, G. D. (2019). Developing financial literacy and mathematical prowess by modeling using spreadsheets. MathAMATYC Educator, 10(3), 23–34, 65–66.

Alhammouri, A. M., Foley, G. D., & Dael, K. (2018). Tracking trout: Engaging students in modeling. Mathematics Teacher, 111, 416–423.

Budhathoki, D., Foley, G. D., & Shadik, S. (2024). Instructional decision making in a gateway Quantitative Reasoning course. Numeracy, 17(1), Article 2.

Demana, F. D., Waits, B. K., Foley, G. D., Kennedy, D., Gorsuch, R. H., & Phelps, S. (2024). Precalculus: Graphical, numerical, algebraic (AP® 11th ed.). Pearson Education.

Foley, G. D. (2014). Mentoring doctoral students. In A. Howley & M. B. Trube (Eds.), Mentoring in the professions: Orienting toward the future (pp. 205–221). Information Age.

Foley, G. D., Budhathoki, D., Thapa, A. B., & Aryal, H. P. (2023). Instructor perspectives on quantitative reasoning for critical citizenship. ZDM–Mathematics Education, 55(5), 1009–1020.

Foley, G. D., Butts, T. R., Phelps, S. W., & Showalter, D. A. (2017). Advanced quantitative reasoning: Mathematics for the world around us (Revised edition)AQR Press.

Foley, G. D., & Wachira, P. W. (2021). From gatekeeper to gateway: The role of quantitative reasoning. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 87, 29–36.

McKeny, T. S., Sturgill, D. J., & Foley, G. D. (2016). Tales, tasks, tools, and talk [Article, lesson plans, & activity sheets]. In D. Thiessen (Ed.), Exploring mathematics through literature pre-K–8 [Online book]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.