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Jeesun Jung

Jeesun Jung
Associate Professor
Teacher Education
Patton Hall 309FF

Dr. Jeesun Jung holds the B.A. in Child Studies from Seoul Women’s University in Seoul, Korea. She holds the M.A. in Elementary Inclusive Education, the M. Ed. in Early Childhood Education, and the Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education, all from Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Jung teaches courses on observation and recording of young children’s behavior, diversity in early childhood education, infant and toddler development and education, and philosophy and theories of child development and teaching. Her research interests include infant development and education, play, caregivers' teaching practices, and diversity/multicultural education.

Most Recent Publications:

Jung, J. & Recchia, S. (2013). Scaffolding Infants' Play Through Empowering and Individualizing Teaching Practices. Early Education & Development, 24(6), 829-850.

Jung, J. (2013). Teachers' roles in infants' play and its changing nature in a dynamic group care context. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 187– 198.

Jung, J. (2012). Finding a culture of collegiality and mentorship as a support system for male preschool teachers. International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 18(2), 147-165.

Jung, J. (2011). Infant teachers' playfulness and infants' emotional distress, Early Child Development and Care, 181(10), 1397-1407.

Kwon, K., Suh, Y., Bang, Y., Jung, J., & Moon, S. (2010). The note of discord: Examining educational perspectives between teachers and Korean parents. Teaching and Teacher Education,26, 497-506.

Moon, S., Jung, J., Bang, Y., Kwon, K., & Suh, Y. (2009). "I Don't See Color. I Only See Children!": A Case Study of Teachers' Color-Blindness for Asian Students. US-China Review, 6(8), 80-84.