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Bachelor's of Applied Human Services Online

Program Code: BS6326
Human Services

The Human Services major leads to a Bachelor of Applied Human and Consumer Sciences. The program equips students with the skills required to serve clients in a variety of settings. Graduates with a degree in Human Services can work with numerous nonprofit and for-profit organizations and social service agencies, as well as state and local government.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook predicts job growth for social and human service assistants (opens in a new window) to be much faster than the average for all occupations. Adding a bachelor's degree boosts your potential to be hired as well as to increase in salary.

The Human Services program offers a flexible online education to help you achieve your goals. Learn more about an online education at Ohio University at

Program Requirements (opens in a new window)

Students will complete the following major courses and select six courses from the two areas of emphasis: (a) Leadership and Organization and (b) Diversity and Communication. 

Course No.DescriptionCredit Hours
CONS 2500Families as Consumers in Global Communities3
CONS 3450JWriting in Human and Consumer Sciences3
EDCE 2010Career and Life Planning Seminar2
EDCE 3001Case Management in Human Services3
EDCE 3002Job Placement for Human Services Professionals3
EDCE 3003Stress Management3
EDCE 4001Human Service Professions3
EDCE 4400Foundations in Group Dynamics2
EDCE 4910Internship in Human Services4
EDCE 4980Ethical Issues in Human Services3

Opportunities Upon Graduation

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020) indicates that the employment of social and human service assistants is projected to grow 13% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. A growing older adult population and rising demand for social services are expected to drive demand for these workers. Career opportunities associated with the Human Services major include, but are not limited to:

  • Community and Family Organizations
  • Intake Specialist
  • Social Work Assistant
  • Case Management Aide
  • Probation Officer
  • Foster Care and Child Advocate
  • Community Outreach Worker

Degree holders are also prepared to enter graduate programs in Counseling, Social Work, and Psychology. The Ohio University Counselor Education program offers a M.Ed. degree in Counselor Education that prepares graduates for counseling licensure in the state of Ohio. The program offers three areas of specialization: (a) clinical mental health counseling, (b) clinical mental health/clinical rehabilitation counseling, and (c) school counseling. 

Apply Now

For more information, contact:

Kristin Chamberlain (opens in a new window)
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Human Services Program Coordinator
Patton Hall 432K