Simbo Odunaiya

Senior Research Engineer
McFarland Avionics Building 103
email address
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Conference Proceeding (2)
- Mourning, C., Odunaiya, S. (2022). Visualization of the Effects of Multipath on NAVAID Antenna Patterns. 10.
- Mourning, C., Odunaiya, S. (2021). Dynamic Antenna Pattern Visualization for Aviation Safety Incorporating Multipath and Situational Awareness. Springer.
Other (43)
- Odunaiya, S. (2007). Analysis of the Runway 09 Localizer-Directional-Aid Performance at the Telluride Regional Airport, Telluride, CO Considering Terrain Changes Caused by the Extension of the Runway Safety Area. OU/AEC Precis 408.
- Odunaiya, S. (2007). Modeling Results for a Capture-Effect Glide Slope on Runway 05 at the Somerset-Pulaski County Airport, Somerset, KY. OU/AEC Precis 401.
- Odunaiya, S. (2006). Effect of a Relocated Glide Slope Tower and Associated Equipment Shelter on the Performance of the Existing ILS Glide Slope System at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington, D.C.. Precis 393.
- Odunaiya, S. (2006). Effects of a Boathouse and Runway 01 ILS Glide Slope Relocation on System Performance at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington, D.C.. PRECIS 392.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D. (2004). Assessment of ILS Glide Slope Signal Quality for Runway 36L at the NAPA County Airport (APC), Napa, California. OU/AEC Precis 362.
- Odunaiya, S. (2004). VOR Relocation Site Analysis for Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk, Virginia. OU/AEC Precis 364.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D. (2004). Results of Modeling to Assess the Performance of the ILS Glide Slope Serving the Existing Runway 27R in the Presence of a Limousine Service Station Currently Under Construction Near the Glide Slope Antenna at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC Precis 358.
- Quinet, D., Mowry, M., Odunaiya, S. (2003). Reassessment of Modeling Results on the Performance of the Proposed ILS Systems Serving Runway 09L/27R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC Precis 354.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S., Mowry, M. (2003). Additional Modeling Results to Assess the Performance of the Proposed ILS Glide Slope Serving Runway 27R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC Precis 348.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S., Mowry, M. (2003). Assessment of ILS Signal Quality in the Presence of Irregular Terrain in the Vicinity of the Proposed Runway 09L/27R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC Precis 349.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S., Mowry, M. (2003). Additional Modeling Results to Assess the ILS Signal Quality Improvements Arising from Placing Limitations on the Height of the Center Point Warehouse Complex near the Proposed Glide Slope Serving Runway 27R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC Precis 347.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S., Mowry, M. (2003). Assessment of ILS Signal Quality in the Presence of Objects near the Proposed Runway 09L/27R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC Precis 344, Revised.
- Odunaiya, S. (2003). Model Analysis of the Effect of Mounting Runway 12R Localizer on a 14-foot Platform Behind a Blast Fence at San Jose International Airport. OU/AEC Precis 335 Revised.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S. (2003). Model Analysis of the Effect of Mounting Runway 12R Localizer on a 14-foot Platform Behind a Blast Fence at San Jose International Airport. OU/AEC Precis 335 Revised.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (2002). Effect of Earth Movement Near the Stop End of Runway 22 at Lexington Blue Grass Airport. OU/AEC Precis 330.
- Odunaiya, S., Fofie, F. (2002). Mathematical Modeling Analysis of the Area Proposed for Relocation of the VOR at Camarillo, CA. OU/AEC Precis 325.
- Odunaiya, S. (2002). Alternative Site for Relocating the Doppler VOR Serving Minneapolis-St. Paul International (MSP) Airpor. OU/AEC Precis 323.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S. (2002). Mathematical Modeling Predictions of the Degradation Caused by the Proposed 448-Cell Central Punitive Segregation Unit (CPSU) on the Performance of a Temporary VOR Serving LaGuardia Airport. OU/AEC Precis 321.
- Odunaiya, S., Fofie, F. (2002). Mathematical Modeling Analysis of the Proposed Relocation of the Camarillo VOR. OU/AEC Precis 317.
- Odunaiya, S. (2002). Mathematical Modeling Analysis of Proposed Communications Tower near the Lake Henry VORTAC. OU/AEC Precis 316.
- Odunaiya, S. (2001). Mathematical Modeling Analysis Regarding Unacceptable Performance of the Relocated VOR Serving Minneapolis-St. Paul International (MSP) Airport. OU/AEC Precis 310.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S. (2001). Mathematical Modeling Analysis Regarding Unacceptable Performance of the Relocated VOR Serving Minneapolis-St.Paul International (MSP) Airport. OU/AEC Precis 310.
- Odunaiya, S., Mowry, M. (2001). Determination of the Effects of a Construction/Demolition Debris Landfill on Obstacle Clearance Surfaces for Runway 28R/10L at Salem Airpark Inc, Salem, Ohio. OU/AEC Precis 308.
- Odunaiya, S. (2001). Tidal Height Effect Analysis for the LaGuardia Airport VOR in Conjunction with the Effect of the Proposed 448 Cell Central Punitive Segregation Unit (CPSU) at Rikers Island. OU/AEC Precis 305.
- Odunaiya, S. (2001). Blockage Analysis for the LaGuardia Airport VOR Due to the Proposed 448-Cell Central Punitive Segregation Unit (CPSU) at Rikers Island. OU/AEC Precis 304.
- Odunaiya, S. (2000). Acceptability of a Road and Fence Penetrating the Critical Area for the Runway 09R Localizer at the Minneapolis Flying Cloud General Aviation Airport. OU/AEC Precis 286.
- Odunaiya, S. (2000). Optimum Location of the Localizer Serving Runway 04 at Minneapolis/StPaul International to Minimize Incursion into the Runway Safety Area. OU/AEC Precis 283.
- Odunaiya, S. (1999). A Preliminary Report on the Myrtle Beach (MYR) Radar Interference Study. OU/AEC Precis 271.
- Odunaiya, S. (1997). Johnstown, PA, VOR Site Analysis Preliminary Report. OU/AEC Precis 238.
- Quinet, D., Odunaiya, S., Edwards, J. (1997). Inchon International Airport (IIA): Siting Analyses for the Instrument Landing System, Doppler VOR and Surveillance Radar. OU/AEC EER 97-04; EER 97-04.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Blazyk, J. (1997). Instrument Landing System Localizer and Glide Slope Model: Integration for Aircraft Simulation. OU/AEC EER 97-03.
- Odunaiya, S. (1997). DFW VORTAC Performance Degradation Review. OU/AEC Precis 233.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (1997). Upgrade and Documentation of the ILS Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction Mathematical Models. Final Report, OU/AEC EER 97-01.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Upgrade and Documentation of the ILS Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction Mathematical Models: List of New Capabilities. OU/AEC Precis 226.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Phase Tolerance of FA-8976 Glide-Slope Antennas. OU/AEC Precis 220.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Rockford, IL Glide Slope. OU/AEC Precis 215 Amended.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Rockford, IL, Glide Slope. OU/AEC Precis 215.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (1996). Sideband Reference Glide Slope Response to Tower Deflection. OU/AEC Precis 213.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R., Quinet, D. (1996). ILS Sustainability at Schiphol Airport: A Second Opinion. OU/AEC EER-96-01.
- Odunaiya, S. (1995). A Mathematical Model to Aid in the Design of Ameliorating Cosmetics for Conducting Surfaces that Ordinarily Produce Derogative Multipath for the ILS Localizer Course. Athens, Ohio 45701: Ohio University Russ College of Engineering and Technology.
- Odunaiya, S. (1995). Rough Surface Model Validation Measurements at Ohio University Airport, Albany, Ohio. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: Precis No. 185.
- Odunaiya, S. (1986). Scattering Aircraft Near an Endfire Array Glide Slope System. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: Department of Electrical Engineering.
- Odunaiya, S., Dennis, J., McFarland, R. (1984). An Annotated Bibliography and Review of Literature Pertaining to the VHF Omnirange System. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC EER 69-1.
Technical Report (65)
- Odunaiya, S., Sims, G. Results of Measurements to Validate the Ohio University VOR Model Version 1.1. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 92-67 TM00006/11-2.
- Odunaiya, S. (2007). Determination and Mitigation of the Degradation to the Localizer Serving Runway 10R At Portland International Airport Caused by the Proposed Construction of a Parking and Headquarters Building Near the Runway. OU/AEC 07-17TM-PDX_P2/HQ.
- Odunaiya, S. (2007). Analysis Results of the Effects Caused by Proposed Construction of a Wind Farm near the Bradford VOR, Bradford, IL. OU/AEC 07-14TM-BRADFORD.
- Odunaiya, S. (2007). Assessment of Glide-Slope Signal Quality in the Presence of Irregular Terrain Due to the Realignment of State Route 1843 and the Airport Security Fence near Runway 05 at Moore County Airport, Pinehurst, NC. OU/AEC 07-12TM- MooreCounty.
- Odunaiya, S. (2006). Minimization of the Localizer Critical Area at the Philadelphia International Airport to Permit Runway 17 Operations While Runway 17/35 is Extended. 06-08TM-Philadelphia.
- Odunaiya, S. (2006). Data Collection Plans for Investigating the Effect of Wind Farms on Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Control Radar Installations. 05-19TM 00012/4-1.
- Johnson, K., Blazyk, J., Chen, L., Odunaiya, S. (2006). Data Collection Plans for Investigating the Effect of Wind Farms on Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Control Radar Installations. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 05-19TM00012/4-1.
- Odunaiya, S. (2005). Assessment of Runway 28R Glide-Slope Signal Quality When the System is Installed on the North Side of the Runway at Portland International Airport, Portland, Oregon. OU/AEC 05-20TM-Leigh Fisher.
- Odunaiya, S., Ruege, A. (2005). Assessment of Sidney, Nebraska VOR Signal Quality in the Presence of a Proposed 40-Turbine Wind Farm located near Peetz, Colorado. OU/AEC 05-11TM-SC01-040605.
- Odunaiya, S., Ruege, A. (2005). Assessment of ILS Signal Quality in the presence of Objects and Irregular Terrain near proposed Runway 01L/10R at Washington Dulles International Airport, Washington, D.C.. OU/AEC 04-32TM-903861.
- Odunaiya, S., Ruege, A. (2005). Port Columbus International Airport South Runway Relocation – CAT II/III Feasibility NAVAIDs Placement Study. OU/AEC 05-07TM-20829641.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2005). INCHON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: Mathematical Modeling Results for Navigation System Performance During Phase II Constructio. OU/AEC 03-09TM-YOOSHIN.
- Odunaiya, S. (2004). VORTAC Relocation Site Analysis for Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk, Virginia. OU/AEC 04-20TM3306-0101.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2004). Assessment of ILS Signal Quality in the Presence of Structures and Objects, and Irregular Terrain, near the Existing Runway 14L/32R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC 04-10TM-BPC-2.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2004). Assessment of ILS Signal Quality in the Presence of Objects and Irregular Terrain Near the New Runway 35 at Yeosu and Runway 13R at Daegu Airports, South Korea. OU/AEC 04-08TM-KOTI.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D. (2003). Assessment of ILS Glide-Slope Signal Quality After Relocating the Glide-Slope System Serving Runway 12R Closer to the Runway at the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport, San Jose, California. OU/AEC 03-21TM-Dinter.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2003). Assessment of ILS Signal Quality in the Presence of Man-Made Objects and Irregular Terrain Near the Proposed Runway 09L/27R at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. OU/AEC 03-18TM-BPC.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2003). Inchon International Airport: Mathematical Modeling Results for Navigation System Performance During Phase II Construction. OU/AEC 03-09TM-YOOSHIN.
- Odunaiya, S. (2003). Mathematical Modeling of the FPN-63 Precision Approach Radar False-Target Phenomenon at McCain Field, NAS Meridian, MS. OU/AEC 03-11TM500013.
- Odunaiya, S. (2003). Investigation of a False-Target Phenomenon with the FPN-63 Precision Approach Radar at McCain Field, NAS, Meridian, MS. OU/AEC 03-05TM-03-500008.
- Odunaiya, S. (2002). An Investigation into the Effects of a Proposed Power Generation Plant on the Performance of the Mason City, Iowa VORTAC (MCW). OU/AEC 02-24TM-Mason City.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2002). Investigation of Performance Anomalies with the Newly-Installed Capture-Effect Glide-Slope System Serving Runway 10 at Pohang Airport, South Korea. OU/AEC 02-18TM-T93165-1.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D., Mowry, M. (2002). Results of an Analytical Study to Quantify the Degradation Caused by Increased Height of the Proposed Consolidated Rental Car Facility on Air Traffic Control Facilities Located at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL). OU/AEC 02-17TM-Kreitzberg-URS.
- Odunaiya, S., Fofie, F., Quinet, D. (2001). Results of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Regarding the Unacceptable Performance of the Relocated VOR Serving Minneapolis-St. Paul International (MSP) Airport. OU/AEC 01-30TM 11903/2.011-CY02.01.
- Odunaiya, S. (2001). DFW Airport Navaids Derogation Study: Supplementary Report on the Predicted Performance of the Runway 17R/35L, 17C/35C, 18L/36R, and 18R/36L Localizers in the Presence of Proposed New Terminals D and F and the Automated People Mover. OU/AEC 01-23TM-DFW8500186.
- Odunaiya, S. (2001). Wichita Mid-Continent Airport Instrument Landings System Derogation Study Phase II: Building Placement Master Plan for Southwestern Development. OU/AEC 01-19TM-ICT.
- Odunaiya, S. (2000). Wichita Mid-Continent Airport Instrument Landing System Derogation Study. OU/AEC 00-19TM-WICHITA.
- Odunaiya, S., Blazyk, J. (2000). Navigation and Landing Performance Prediction Models. OU/AEC 00-15TM-93-G-033.
- Odunaiya, S., Mowry, M. (2000). DFW Airport Navaids Derogation Study: Predicted Performance of the Runway 17R/35L, 17C/35C, 18L/36R, and 18R/36L Localizers in the Presence of the Proposed New Terminals D and F and the Automated People Mover. OU/AEC 00-18TM-DFW.
- Odunaiya, S. (1999). SEATAC AIRPORT: Verification of ASR-9 Reflection Model Through Alternative Model Analysis. OU/AEC 99-16TM-SEATAC.
- Odunaiya, S. (1999). Myrtle Beach Airport: Radar Beacon False Replies Study. 99-14TM-SE00758.
- Odunaiya, S. (1999). William P. Hobby Airport (HUB): VOR Relocation Study. 99-12TM-417.
- Odunaiya, S. (1999). Investigation and Analysis of Effects of Proposed Postal Building on the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) ILS Localizer. OU/AEC 99-06TM RIDER.
- Odunaiya, S., Surathu, M. (1999). Richmond International Airport: VOR Interference Study. OU/AEC 99-04TM-042363.
- Odunaiya, S., Surathu, M. (1998). Performance Analysis of Johnstown VOR in the Presence of a New Terminal Building. OU/AEC 98-14TM-KIMBALL.
- Odunaiya, S., Surathu, M. (1998). VOR Modeling Study: DFW Consolidated Rent-a-Car Facility: Effect of Construction on Existing DFW VOR. OU/AEC 98-11TM-CORGAN.
- Odunaiya, S. (1997). Performance Analysis of Johnstown VOR in the Presence of a New Air Traffic Control Tower. OU/AEC 97-37TM-BAKER.
- Odunaiya, S., Blazyk, J. (1997). A User’s Manual for Ohio University’s VOR Performance Prediction Model. 3.0. OU/AEC 97-32TM00020/3.4-1.
- Odunaiya, S., Edwards, J. (1997). Astoria, Oregon VOR (AST) Performance Analysis for Victor 27 Airway. OU/AEC 97-34TM97036/97.01.
- Odunaiya, S., Edwards, J. (1997). Newberg, Oregon VOR (UBG) Performance Analysis. OU/AEC 97-35TM 97036/97.02.
- Odunaiya, S., Surathu, M. (1997). Results of Mathematical Modeling to Evaluate the Performance of the VOR Facility at Salisbury - Ocean City, Wicomico Regional Airport in the Presence of a New Air Traffic Control Tower. OU/AEC 97-31TMSALISBURY.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (1997). Investigation of the Burlington, VT Airport Glide Slope Issues Associated with Moving Runway 15/33 500 feet Northwest. OU/AEC 97-13TM00019/1.5E-1.
- Odunaiya, S., Blazyk, J., Edwards, J. (1997). A User’s Manual for Ohio University’s ILS Performance Prediction Model (IPPM). Athens, OH: Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Odunaiya, S. (1997). A User’s Manual for Ohio University’s ILS Performance Prediction Model (IPPM). OU/AEC 97-14TM00020/2.4-4.
- Odunaiya, S. (1997). Analysis of DFW VORTAC Performance in the Presence of a Proposed Rent-A-Car Facility at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Phase II: Impact of Construction on DFW VORTAC. OU/AEC 97-39TM-ADD96-8500074-2.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Analysis of VORTAC Performance in the Presence of a Proposed Rent-a-Car Facility at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Avionics Engineering Center, Athens, OH: OU/AEC 96-39TM-ADD96-8500074.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D. (1996). Upgrade and Documentation of the ILS Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction Mathematical Models: Calculation of Fields from Terrain Using Physical Optics. OU/AEC 96-36TM00113RAY-3.
- Odunaiya, S., Quinet, D. (1996). Upgrade and Documentation of the ILS Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction Mathematical Models: Calculations and Analysis of Signal Processing by Various Receiver Architectures. OU/AEC 96-41TM00113RAY-4.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Upgrade and Documentation of the ILS Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction Mathematical Models: Model, Theory, Receiver Algorithm and Validation Data Correlation. OU/AEC 96-35TM00113RAY-2.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (1996). An Investigation of the Brookings, SD, Glide Slope Performance. OU/AEC 96-24TM 00020/2.12-2.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). Results of Mathematical Modeling to Evaluate the Performance of the VOR Facility at New Castle County Airport, Wilmington, DE, in the Presence of a New Air Traffic Control Tower. OU/AEC 96-23TM-D&Z.
- Odunaiya, S. (1996). A Mathematical Model to Aid in the Design of Ameliorating Cosmetics for Conducting Surfaces that Ordinarily Produce Derogative Multipath for the ILS Localizer Course. OU/AEC 95-33TM00020/2.4-2.
- Odunaiya, S. (1995). Model Predictions of Multipath Effect on the Localizer Serving Runway 36L at Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky Airport (CVG) as a Result of Relocation Due to Runway Extension. Avionics Engineering Center, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 95-35TM HNTB.
- Odunaiya, S. (1995). Prediction of the Effect of Taxiway Extension on the Runway 18 Localizer at Lebanon Municipal Airport, Lebanon, NH. Avionics Engineering Center, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 95-34TM Dufresne-Henry.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (1995). New York Stability and Performance. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 95-03TM00020/3.5-1.
- Odunaiya, S., Edwards, J. (1994). Prediction of The Effect of Power Line Construction on the Pocket City (PXV) VOR. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 94-27TM-SIGECO-1.
- Odunaiya, S., Sims, G. (1993). User's Manual for the Modified Physical Optics VOR Model Version 2.0. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 91-38TM 00006/17-5.
- Odunaiya, S., Sims, G. (1992). A Physical Optics Method for Predicting the Effects of Structures on a VOR System. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 92-04 TM00006/17D-6.
- Odunaiya, S., Sims, G. (1991). Prediction of the Effect of Power Line Construction on the Ranger DVOR. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 91-14 TM 00006/17E-4.
- Odunaiya, S., Phipps, W. (1988). A User's Guide to the Ohio University Geometric Theory of Diffraction Glide Slope Model (OUGS), Version 2.0. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 57B-88TM/1-4.
- Odunaiya, S., Phipps, W. (1988). A User's Guide to the Modified Physical Optics Instrument Landing System Mathematical Model. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 56-88TM-7DS55/1-3.
- Odunaiya, S., Sims, G. (1987). VOR Site Selection Report for Roosevelt Roads Naval Station. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 35-87TM0006/3-3.
- Odunaiya, S. (1987). Theoretical Investigation of the Effects of Parallel Runway Takeoffs on the Path Structure of a 24-Element Stan 37 Localizer. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 29A-87TM-7DS555/1-3.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (1987). Navy Site Selection Report for San Clemente Navy Auxiliary Landing Field. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 10-8TM0006/3-1.
- Odunaiya, S., McFarland, R. (1987). VOR Site Selection Report for Roosevelt Roads Naval Station. Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701: OU/AEC 35-87 TM00006/3.